Episode Transcript
[00:00:01] Speaker A: All righty, everyone.
And mom, I'm. I'm alive, you know? Like, I feel like that's the reason, you know, I do this podcast anymore. It's just so, like, my mom is like, oh, my boy is still alive.
You know, he hasn't died yet. Yeah, I know. Like, it, it's.
And I wouldn't have to say it if my wife never told my mom about the podcast.
[00:00:33] Speaker B: I tell everyone about the podcast.
[00:00:35] Speaker A: Oh, don't do that.
[00:00:36] Speaker B: All my co workers know about the podcast. A couple clients know about the podcast.
[00:00:40] Speaker A: Why would you tell your clients?
[00:00:42] Speaker B: I have the opportunity to brag about my husband and his podcast. I will.
[00:00:46] Speaker A: Oh, no, don't do that.
[00:00:48] Speaker B: I didn't tell him the name of the podcast, but their husband also does a podcast. We were like, swiping notes, if you will.
[00:00:54] Speaker A: Yeah, you're like, hey, our husbands do podcasts. And. And like, like racist podcasts side eyeing each other.
[00:01:10] Speaker C: Oh, my God.
[00:01:13] Speaker A: I mean, that. That. That's what it is. I mean, you know, podcasts are just radio on the Internet for free.
But, like, one of my weird guilty pleasures is that they have this, like, this show on the radio called the Second Date Update. You know, it's pretty, you know, wide across.
[00:01:41] Speaker B: Oh, my God. The wildest happens on those.
[00:01:45] Speaker A: They're all scripted. It's all fake.
[00:01:48] Speaker B: You've heard the one where the dude fucked his bully's mom, right?
[00:01:51] Speaker A: Yeah, that one. Every single one of them is fake.
[00:01:55] Speaker B: Of course it is. But, but, but still, dope.
[00:01:58] Speaker A: I. I thoroughly enjoy listening to the dumb, creative horseshit that they come up with every single goddamn time.
Because every single time they call, they're like, oh, I've never heard of this radio station before.
[00:02:18] Speaker B: Yeah, like, that's the dumbest shit ever.
[00:02:20] Speaker A: I. I don't even know the radio. I. I don't even have ears. How am I talking? Yeah, like, they're just like, the dumb. I'm like, really? Like, no one's ever heard of this show. Fuck off.
Yeah, and then, then they come up with some dumb, like, hey, why didn't you call this chick back? Why did you go out on a date with her and not call her back?
And, you know, he's like, I don't want to really say. It's kind of weird. It's like, oh, just tell us, you know, what the was going on. And he'll say something like, oh, she was eating hair. And I found it disgusting. Disgusting where she open mouth kissed her dog.
[00:03:06] Speaker B: There was one where the chick was, like, upset that a dude hadn't called her back and he'd been hit by a car on the way home from the date. And they call him and he's like, on drugs in the hospital. And. Oh, my God, like, that was hilarious. I was like, you literally have to make this up.
[00:03:24] Speaker A: And, like, it's like my guilty pleasure that I just, you know, listen to in my truck. I'm like, you know, like an hour of it, just like, non stop. And it's just like, like, I. I like to believe that it's real. I like to suspend disbelief that, oh, maybe this is. It's not. I like, you know, from the jump.
But I like. Do you have any, like, weird, like, you know, shows you like to listen to on the radio?
[00:03:59] Speaker C: Courtney, what do you say?
[00:04:02] Speaker A: I said, do you have any weird shows you like to listen to? She's not even listening to us. It's like, any shows you like to listen to on the radio? Like, any weird, weird you like to listen to?
[00:04:15] Speaker C: No, I. I don't like. I think I zone out a little bit sometimes at night, and that doesn't work. I can't with listening to stuff.
[00:04:28] Speaker A: Yeah, you can't listen to the radio because it doesn't have subtitles.
[00:04:33] Speaker B: Okay. I understand words faster when I read them as opposed to hearing them.
[00:04:40] Speaker C: Yeah, that's funny. But I mean, like, you were taught how to speed read and like, it's really weird. Well, no, I felt so bad because then it took you like you were able to go through the Botanica. What? How long did it take you to read that?
[00:04:57] Speaker B: Don't ask me that.
[00:04:59] Speaker C: Exactly. You've, like, read the whole fucking thing and probably, like, really fast.
[00:05:05] Speaker B: Yeah, I did.
[00:05:08] Speaker C: Sorry.
[00:05:09] Speaker B: Nah, it was fun to read, though. Like, I like reading fun stuff, but, like, it's super frustrating, like if. Because like a lot of times if like a videos in. If like a movie or whatnot's in English and like, if I don't have subtitles on, I'll have to rewrite. I have to like, rewind like 30 seconds like every now and again because the words were so fast I didn't understand what was said. So I need subtitles and I. I.
[00:05:30] Speaker C: Just have subtitles on all the time.
[00:05:33] Speaker B: I know, but sometimes I tried for some. But sometimes, like, the subtitles don't match and so, like, you have to use the English version and then the subtitles still don't match and so you're stuck with. So that I'm stuck with having to rewind all the time.
[00:05:47] Speaker C: Wait, so you know that the English subtitles on the Raw on the foreign language one is wrong.
[00:05:55] Speaker B: Well, yeah, sometimes they're off.
Like, they're like, either they're like they're ahead or they're behind the conversation.
[00:06:03] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, sometimes that especially because, like, sometimes grammatically they say stuff backwards.
[00:06:11] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:06:12] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:06:13] Speaker B: But then it's kind of fun because then you kind of invent your own meaning into it.
[00:06:17] Speaker C: Yeah, this is kind of cool.
Sorry, guys. I, I, I was trying to get out of Reddit and then I accidentally pressed Etsy and the first thing that popped up with, like, this really cool necklace that has like an envelope at the end. It looks pretty and like, you can put a little saying in it and it's so cute.
Send it to you guys. But I was also reading Reddit and that's why I kind of zoned out. I was like thinking, oh, is he gonna see and use any of these in the thing?
[00:06:56] Speaker A: Well, if you send them to me, then, you know, I can definitely use them.
[00:07:00] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:07:04] Speaker A: Like the relationship is about a gay witch.
And am I the about withholding passwords?
[00:07:13] Speaker B: Dudes can be witches. Aren't they sorcerers?
[00:07:16] Speaker A: No, his wife.
[00:07:18] Speaker B: Okay. Like a Wiccan or like a witch.
[00:07:22] Speaker A: Well, we'll talk about it when we.
[00:07:23] Speaker B: Get there because those are two different things.
[00:07:25] Speaker C: Oh my God. I kind of want to know the gay witch one. Okay, I think I know what the password one you're talking about.
[00:07:33] Speaker A: Change it all up and we'll do the relationship advice at the start this time.
[00:07:39] Speaker C: Alrighty.
[00:07:41] Speaker A: This one by national national potential. 18.
I'm 37 male, lost my wife. 37 female, is now a gay witch.
[00:07:54] Speaker B: Just a DND thing.
[00:07:56] Speaker A: No.
[00:07:57] Speaker B: Oh, okay.
[00:07:59] Speaker A: I feel awful sharing, but I am running out of ideas. My wife and I have been married almost 15 years and I feel like I'm in an impossible spot. We've changed so much. Pre kids would be just as you imagine growing up together, figuring out life, truly each other's best friend.
We both came out of religiously traumatic experiences and vowed to keep growing and working through it. Growing as individuals has always been a common goal and we champion that for each other. However, I'm uncomfortable where things are going. For context, she has become very depressed. After our second child was born over seven years ago, she didn't realize she didn't want to be a mom and got crippling depression. She was in bed for days and couldn't take care of her kids or work.
I worked hard to get her the care she needed through therapy and a psychiatrist as well as Take on full parental responsibilities. I was fine with that. I didn't resent her. I just wanted her to get better.
After a few years, we started to come back and participate in the family. And I was thrilled that I started to recognize the person I had married was back.
A big part of the depression was also triggered by her religious trauma. She was part of a cult where her upbringing. She didn't have autonomy of herself until we got married. I have always championed her in finding herself.
This is where it gets strange for me. She started exploring more of herself and she came out to me as gay, maybe bi, but very much into sex with me. Okay. I thought to myself, I'm not sure what I want to do with that. Then she continues her journey of self discovery for a few months and tells me that she is a witch and believes she has psychic abilities. Wait, what? I want to be supportive in her journey, but honestly, I'm just thrown way off.
But the thing that really pissed me off is the next thing. She had a work conference that she was going to attend and she was prepping to go, but she suffered a minor stroke. It was terrifying. I thought I almost lost her. It was the worst experience I've ever had. Fortunately, she was okay and made a full recovery. I was discussing her situation with a neurologist and asked if she was on any antidepressants, which she was, so I thought.
Then I found out that she stopped taking him for a couple months.
[00:10:47] Speaker B: Oh, shit. Stop cold turkey?
[00:10:49] Speaker A: Yeah.
Why? I asked. She didn't want to tell me, but admitted the conference she was going to was not actually a work conference, but a guided medit. A guided session with LSD for some healing ritual. Like, what the fuck? She wasn't gonna tell me until after because she knew I wasn't gonna approve. I'm just so lost. I don't know who this person is anymore. I know if you grow up, you'll become someone different than who you were before, but this feels like too much.
One, you admitted yourself you're gay.
[00:11:27] Speaker B: Cool.
[00:11:28] Speaker A: No problem. We can figure out what to do. Two, you say you're a witch that has psychic abilities.
Okay, I think that's silly and I don't believe in that stuff, but we'll see where it goes.
Three, you're dishonest about going to doing illegal drugs.
I feel bad making a decision to leave now, but she has a stroke and depends on me for all the things financially. But what the hell, I don't know this person anymore.
[00:11:57] Speaker B: Oh my God, I feel so sad. Okay, okay, Okay. I do believe firmly that LSD does have healing effects. I have. I. Okay, Like I do believe that it has stuff that it can help the brain. Like, absolutely. I've seen sessions where people who are like, they're doing like LSD like journeys with a guided psychotherapist and they're going through stuff, they're remaking memories. Kind of like my EMDR but more intense. And I think that totally works. I 100% believe in that. Because if I'm doing that self, if I'm doing that by myself, obviously the interaction of drugs B, stopping your antidepressants cold turkey fucks you up. Like one time I fucked up and I was taking the wrong medicine for three days. Cause like sometimes I don't look at the medicine, I just go by feel. And for a while, two medicines felt very similar. And holy shit, I thought I was losing my mind. Everything was upside down, nothing made sense. I hallucinated it a couple times, like I had no idea what was going the fuck on. And then, and then day four, I realized, oh shit, that's not my antidepressant. And I went back on my antidepressant and all of that shit went away.
Like not taking it fucked me up so bad. Like I legit thought I was losing my mind. Like I was so freaked out, nothing made sense. And I went back on my drugs and I was like, oh, this is why you need to be weaned off these fuckers.
So yeah, her sopping cold turkey has done none of her good. And also, what the.
[00:13:31] Speaker C: So I think that she had like really severe ppd.
[00:13:35] Speaker B: Yes, absolutely.
[00:13:36] Speaker C: Like, is she in therapy? Yeah. People don't realize that like having a kid can seriously you up.
[00:13:44] Speaker B: That's one of the reasons why I have kids.
[00:13:47] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:13:47] Speaker B: Like, I know that would me up so bad.
[00:13:50] Speaker C: Yeah. There was this one girl in one of my college classes and she said that she was on antidepressants and so she's like, I want to get off them. Because she was 18 and like she felt better. She stopped them cold turkey. And for a year she was like experiencing psychosis and stuff.
[00:14:11] Speaker B: Yeah. Like, so when you're taking brain drugs, so, so when you take antibiotics, you feel better and then you stop. Right. When you're taking long term drugs, they make you feel better and like, oh, I feel better, so now I need to stop the medicine. No, you feel better because you are on the medicine. Like a lot of people don't get that. Like some medicines are short courses and then you finish and it's fine. Other medications are long term and you feel better because you are on them. You're going to feel shit when you come off of them.
Like one time we had to transition me from one mood stabilizer to another and that fucking sucked so much dick. I'm so happy I haven't had to change meds ever again. But that was awful.
Like, holy. Like. And it was like, it was like. And it was my mood stabilizer too. It wasn't my antidepressant, it was my mood stabilizer. Like I, it put me back on my roller coaster instead of my nice even floating boat. And holy. That was dreadful. I feel so much better now. But that was awful to go through.
Oh well, I do not recommend having bpd. It's not great.
[00:15:24] Speaker C: Yep.
[00:15:27] Speaker B: So yeah, she up by stopping her meds. I do believe LSD works, but only in very specific circumstances. And see, she was dishonest and that's kind of the end of the relationship on top of everything else. She lied.
Yeah, she lied. That's all there is to it. She lied and she lied about doing drugs, which is like there's lying and then there's lying about doing specific things. And she should have been open about it. I don't think. Like she lied about doing drugs. And that's a big thing.
[00:15:59] Speaker C: Man.
[00:16:01] Speaker A: I mean, let's see what the comments say on this. Like am I in my, you know, you know, firm opinion? It's like he's not the.
[00:16:12] Speaker B: He needs to dip. He needs to drop this. She is cray cray and she's doing nothing to help herself.
[00:16:19] Speaker A: Yeah, but if you went crazy like that, like would you be like, oh yeah, you can leave now.
[00:16:26] Speaker B: Okay, if I was going crazy, I wouldn't lie to you about doing drugs.
Yeah, you are my fucking drug dealer, so how can I lie to you?
[00:16:38] Speaker A: The claim, the claims of having psychic abilities and a sudden switch up of personality.
Sounds like me. She has a secondary mental health crisis, especially if she stopped her medication. She needs to see her doctor.
She's back on them. As far as I was aware, she was only off a couple months. Even with the medications, she seems convinced.
[00:17:02] Speaker B: How does he know she's back on the medical meds?
[00:17:05] Speaker A: Yeah, cuz they do drug tests like when you go to the doctor.
[00:17:10] Speaker B: No, they don't.
[00:17:10] Speaker C: Yeah, they do. My grandma, when she does, she has to take drug tests.
[00:17:17] Speaker B: She does?
[00:17:18] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:17:19] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:17:19] Speaker B: I don't take drug tests. Am I supposed to be taking drug tests?
[00:17:23] Speaker C: No.
[00:17:24] Speaker A: Okay, it, it, it depends.
[00:17:26] Speaker C: Like it, it would, it would probably Depend. I mean you're not non compliant with your, like you're compliant with your medication and it's not like you're violent or anything like that. And if it's some requested for her to do drug tests or the doctor has, then yeah, they might do drug.
[00:17:47] Speaker A: Testing like for opiates.
Like if you have like controlled substance, they'll sometimes ask you to come in and do a drug test to make sure it's in your system.
Yeah, yeah.
[00:18:05] Speaker C: Because they don't want you selling it.
[00:18:09] Speaker A: Because like if you're selling everything, it's not going to pop up in your, you know, piss.
And then you're kind of, I mean like, honestly, you know, for this dude, like if she is a witch, you know, probably best not to piss her off. Like what if it was all true? What if she like took some acid, turned into a witch and like a lesbian witch and now you've made a mortal enemy.
[00:18:44] Speaker B: Pretty funny fight class.
[00:18:48] Speaker A: Welcome to lesbian witch class.
[00:18:50] Speaker C: Oh my God.
[00:18:55] Speaker A: But it's like, you know, guess what, you got married.
Tough. Stick it out.
[00:19:04] Speaker B: She lied about taking drugs.
That's like a, that's like a hard cut off.
[00:19:10] Speaker A: Get her in a rehab and therapy.
[00:19:14] Speaker B: This guy has done so much for her and she has gone off the deep end and he's done his best and he's allowed to be like, this is my breaking point.
That's how I feel about the situation. He's allowed to have a breaking point. And if this is it, this is it. And if he feels as. And if this is also about him protecting his children from the situation he is in, he is all the more right to be like he is all the more right in this situation.
[00:19:50] Speaker A: I mean I, I do feel bad for the guy.
[00:19:53] Speaker B: Oh yeah, I feel terrible for him.
[00:19:56] Speaker A: You know, but you also have to, you know, kind of feel bad for the woman too.
[00:20:01] Speaker B: Yeah, she stopped taking her antidepressants.
[00:20:04] Speaker A: Get her a cat.
Like, dude, do you have a cat? Like, you know, are you the reason that she is, you know, depressed?
[00:20:15] Speaker B: What do you mean he's the reason she's depressed?
[00:20:17] Speaker A: I asked if he is the reason that she's depressed.
[00:20:22] Speaker C: I don't know. It seems like he stepped up. He's taken over child care. He's tried to get her the help she needs.
[00:20:31] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean he's done everything he can for her. He's allowed to have a breaking point.
[00:20:36] Speaker A: Yeah, but this is written from one perspective. Like, like this is true.
[00:20:40] Speaker B: But I wouldn't believe her perspective, to be honest. Second, someone says they stopped taking their antidepressants cold turkey. I'm like, okay, yeah, no, you are up in the head. Like, as someone who has gone through the experience, you're fucked.
[00:20:54] Speaker A: See, like. But, like, this is, like, the problem with, like, reading, like, you know, one side of a story before hearing both sides, you know, oh, my gosh.
[00:21:06] Speaker C: There I have. I. I just. It is out of my, like, reach about like this. But there was a perfect example of where, like, he.
He left the guy posted and he left out a ton of missing. Missing reasons from the post.
And it was hilarious because the. The wife came and made a post about it, and I guess they. Yeah, it was funny. Oh, my God.
But, yeah, I. Sometimes it can say. But, like, we have to make our judgment off of what they've told us so far and what information we know if we pick the. If we ask them more qu. If we want to know more questions. Like, there's times where sometimes they do respond and they do clarify certain points and stuff. So, like, yeah.
[00:22:06] Speaker A: I mean, yeah.
[00:22:07] Speaker C: At the end of the day, is this. Is this Reddit even real?
[00:22:12] Speaker A: Is life even real? This.
[00:22:14] Speaker B: Every giant simulation.
[00:22:16] Speaker A: Everything here could be a giant simulation.
[00:22:18] Speaker B: The reason my life is so shitty is because I got a virus. My. Before I met you, life. Not with. With life. You.
[00:22:27] Speaker A: It's like, you know, you never know.
You know, it could be, you know.
[00:22:35] Speaker B: All fake, like, diagnosis schizophrenia.
[00:22:40] Speaker A: I don't know.
[00:22:42] Speaker B: I just thought of that as a possibility.
[00:22:45] Speaker A: Like, the. One of the things I hate is, like, when I'm, like, on Instagram or Facebook reels or YouTube shorts, and I see, like, an interesting anime, and they don't post the name of the anime. They just post a clip of it because they're pieces of.
And then someone's like, name. It's like, oh, I love this anime. It's so great. The name is. And then they, like, just put more and it's like, just, you know, you click more and it's just words they wrote. I'm like, you're a piece of. Dude.
Like, it's just a giant troll just trolling everyone. I'm like, but, yeah, I mean, dude, you know, hopefully your wife gets better.
You know, go ahead and Lorenzo's oil that and see what happens.
Women are crazy. And that's just, you know, stuff you're gonna have to deal with for the rest of your life.
[00:23:56] Speaker B: Poor you.
[00:23:57] Speaker A: I know I have to deal with you and Mochi.
[00:24:01] Speaker B: Poor baby.
[00:24:04] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, men are not, you know, better, but it's like, we're like, you know, men are crazy, and women are crazy, just on different levels.
[00:24:20] Speaker B: Okay, I'll accept levels. I was gonna say octaves, but that works.
I was gonna make a pun because men's voices are lower than women's.
Was I funny?
[00:24:33] Speaker A: Almost.
[00:24:34] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:24:39] Speaker C: Once in a while, Alex has little moments.
But I meant girl, Alex.
[00:24:48] Speaker B: Yeah, but you.
[00:24:49] Speaker C: You have moments, too.
[00:24:51] Speaker B: You could have just stuck with that, you know.
[00:24:54] Speaker C: What?
[00:24:56] Speaker B: Well, I'm a little hot.
[00:24:58] Speaker C: I'm. I. I started. I smoked a little bit, and so now I'm talkative. I found a strain that I liked that y.
And it just. You just try to make a little joke, and sometimes you do make jo. Good jokes. Sometimes. See, like, really rarely.
[00:25:18] Speaker A: Like, when I'm actually on stage, you know, I am much funnier.
You know, I. I feel like. Like, when I actually, like, put in, like, some effort, I'm like, oh, yeah, that was a solid ass joke. And, you know, sometimes I'm like, ah, that one fell flat.
Damn it.
Like, I don't remember what the I talked about. Miss? Yeah, I wrote it down, like, last Monday.
[00:26:01] Speaker B: What?
[00:26:02] Speaker A: Oh, like, my wife is over here making.
[00:26:04] Speaker B: I'm stimming. God.
[00:26:06] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, it was me, you know, commiserating over being poor and how awesome it was being poor, because no one had any expectation for me to do anything.
It's like, I get to be poor today.
Yes. And then if my dad wants me anywhere. Hey, you want to come to this wedding? Hey, you want to come do this? You know, I'm like, I would like to, but I.
You have to pay for it.
And he's like.
Like, remember, because I'm poor, and my.
You know, and now I have to come out to come see my dad for his wedding, and now I'm not poor. So he's like, you now have to just take care of this myself.
[00:27:00] Speaker B: Oh, you finally talked to him.
[00:27:01] Speaker A: No.
[00:27:01] Speaker B: Oh, my God.
[00:27:04] Speaker A: Why? Like, why would I talk to him?
[00:27:06] Speaker B: I've asked you multiple times to talk to him.
Christ. I can't, okay? I can't be the only one who communicates with Leo sometimes.
[00:27:17] Speaker A: I mean, I don't know if it's.
[00:27:19] Speaker B: More weird to calm Leo or to calm your dad.
[00:27:24] Speaker A: I mean, like, I. I don't ever, you know, call my parents by their names.
[00:27:29] Speaker B: I mean, like, okay, your mom is your mom, but your dad's kind of Leo.
And I'm not quite sure how that works, but it's probably because I like your mom more than I like Leo.
[00:27:41] Speaker A: I like them both.
[00:27:43] Speaker B: Oh, no, no. Leo's A great, great guy.
I'm not saying he's a bad person. I'm just saying I like your mom more.
[00:27:51] Speaker A: Yeah, cuz my mom has a vagina and you can relate.
[00:27:55] Speaker B: You're like, no, your mom's just like hella cool.
[00:28:00] Speaker A: It's like my mom has like a tattoo on her back of a dragon.
It's like, that's cool, lady.
[00:28:11] Speaker B: Okay, well no, like, so Leo's like white, so he kind of had stuff handed to him. Whereas your mom earned all her stuff.
[00:28:17] Speaker A: So my mom earned all her stuff?
[00:28:21] Speaker B: Yeah, no, she's. No, she like she handled stuff and she's a good mom. I respect her a lot.
[00:28:31] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, of course she's a good mom. She has to be like she, she's. You know.
[00:28:41] Speaker B: Good moms aren't good things. It's nice to have a good mom.
[00:28:46] Speaker A: Good moms aren't good things. Or they are good things.
[00:28:49] Speaker B: Moms who aren't good aren't good things.
Like, all I know is how to. All I know is like how to what a. Having a bad mom is like.
[00:28:58] Speaker A: So now you have my mom.
[00:29:00] Speaker B: Exactly.
[00:29:01] Speaker A: And you can call her and just be like, hey, how is life?
[00:29:06] Speaker B: I just know if I ever need, if I ever need her, she'll be there.
[00:29:15] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean like your mom likes.
[00:29:18] Speaker B: Me more than she likes you anyway, so.
[00:29:20] Speaker A: Yeah, of course I, I have a whole bit about that. I'm like, I'm like my, my mom likes my wife more than she likes me. So if I ever want to like talk to my mom, I'll grab my wife's phone and call my mom.
[00:29:36] Speaker C: Oh my gosh. She doesn't answer if you call. No, she doesn't.
[00:29:41] Speaker A: Well that, that's the whole joke there.
[00:29:44] Speaker C: Oh my God.
[00:29:47] Speaker A: Like my mom would like, you know, see like my wife call first ring. Hello?
It's like, ah, it's just you.
God, the penis Haver.
[00:30:00] Speaker B: I feel like she would be lowkey disappointed if that happened.
[00:30:05] Speaker C: Oh my God.
[00:30:08] Speaker A: It's like, you know when like a, a dog recognizes a car? He's like, my guy is in there and he comes running over the car and like somebody else is in the car. He's like, oh, not my guy. Disappointed. And then the guy gets out of the other seat and like, ah, my guy.
[00:30:26] Speaker B: So my very first job, we had this, we had a. Okay, so if you ever have a golden, like a golden retriever. White golden retreaters are neuro as shit. Like don't get a white golden. But this little old lady got a white golden and like, it was a puppy, and it was completely out of control, had no manners. And she would board it with us during the day when she had to go do things because she didn't want to get a dog sitter. And so one time on my break, I'm like, you know what? Fuck it. I taught the puppy how to sit, how to walk, do basic commands. Like, I gave the dog manners. And so when the old lady came back, I'm like, oh, by the way, I taught her how to do all this stuff. Here are the commands. And the next time she came by, she was like. She was like, oh, she didn't do any of those things. And then she handed me the leash, and the dog immediately sat for me, and it was like, oh, you will sit for me, but not her. And I felt so bad. Like, the dog recognized me as the person who could give commands, but not his owner. I felt so bad.
[00:31:23] Speaker C: Oh, my God.
[00:31:24] Speaker B: I felt so bad.
[00:31:27] Speaker C: Oh, my God. That's so horrible.
[00:31:29] Speaker B: The puppy was just like, oh, I sit for you. And I'm just like, oh.
[00:31:37] Speaker C: My God.
[00:31:38] Speaker B: She had no. Okay. I can't stand dogs that haven't gone to puppy school and have no manners. Like, I can't stand that. So I was just like, I had to train the dog. Like, it was just like, she had no manners. She was such a handful. Every time she came in, it was just like, for fuck's sake, at least learn how to sit. She was really smart. She learned all the commands really easily so she knew she could push her owner around, and therefore she did.
[00:32:03] Speaker A: See, now we have cats, and the cats just rule us.
[00:32:07] Speaker B: Yeah, well, I don't care if cats are have no manners. They're cats.
Isn't that right, jt? Yeah, I don't care. I don't care that you're a dick. I love you because you're fluffy.
[00:32:18] Speaker A: Cats don't have manners. They have.
[00:32:20] Speaker B: They have attitude.
Thing I like about cats is, like, if you catch them being naughty, they're like, oh, yeah, I know. I'm a bad cat. And they'll still continue doing it like, it doesn't matter. They're just an ultimate fuck you whenever they feel like it.
[00:32:37] Speaker A: The reason cats don't have manners is they don't have keys and pockets.
[00:32:43] Speaker B: This is true.
That is 100% true.
[00:32:50] Speaker A: It's like a deeper joke than that.
[00:32:52] Speaker B: You also forgot the opposable thumbs.
Did I miss the joke?
[00:32:56] Speaker A: A man or is a giant house?
[00:32:59] Speaker B: Dang it. I was just thinking they'd be more. They Would be more polite if they. Because if they could do more human, like, things.
I thought it was funny. I thought it was funny.
[00:33:11] Speaker A: M a N O r. Yes.
[00:33:14] Speaker B: I.
Yeah, I thought it was funny. The way I thought it was funny, though.
That's just like. Of course cats would be more polite with their manners if they could be more manipulative with more power.
[00:33:27] Speaker A: It's like alligators are ornery because they have all them teeth and no toothbrush.
[00:33:31] Speaker B: Oh, my God.
Where do I know that from? That's an Adam Sandler movie.
[00:33:38] Speaker A: Waterboy. Yeah.
Sunshine counts or magical rays of sunshine.
[00:33:44] Speaker B: Out of love for you. I have watched so many Adam Sandler videos.
[00:33:49] Speaker A: I love Adam Sandler.
[00:33:51] Speaker B: I know. It's he.
[00:33:52] Speaker C: I like some of them.
[00:33:54] Speaker B: Like, they get too cringy sometimes, and I have to bail.
I can only stand so much cringe before it gets to be too much.
[00:34:02] Speaker C: Me too.
[00:34:03] Speaker B: Yeah. There's a limit. And I'm just like, okay, this is painful for both of us. And by both of us, I mean me. So we're done.
[00:34:11] Speaker A: See, like, my favorite thing to do is just go on YouTube and just watch cringe videos and see how long I can keep a straight face for.
It is hard.
[00:34:27] Speaker B: That's like a competition on a TV show. That's brilliant.
[00:34:32] Speaker A: Like, one of my favorite cringe videos is this kid singing Gucci gang in front of his grandparents.
[00:34:43] Speaker B: I don't know what that song is.
[00:34:45] Speaker A: Oh, let me. Let me pull this up.
It's such a great video. Kid singing Gucci gang in front of his grandma.
[00:34:58] Speaker B: Immediately pops up. No more description needed.
[00:35:03] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:35:03] Speaker A: Let me share this with Courtney. That way she. She can enjoy the. The cringiest thing that I've ever had the displeasure of.
[00:35:18] Speaker B: All right, well, I'm ready to see your ultimate cringe.
[00:35:22] Speaker A: This sucks so bad.
[00:35:24] Speaker C: Yeah. Oh, Gucci game. Oh. As serious Walker, you. Gucci game.
Gucci game.
[00:35:38] Speaker B: Gucci game. Gucci game, Gucci game.
[00:36:07] Speaker A: Oh, no, I don't know.
[00:36:09] Speaker B: That wasn't as cringe. That was just kind of dumb versus cringe for me.
[00:36:14] Speaker A: It's so bad.
[00:36:18] Speaker C: This is so funny.
[00:36:21] Speaker A: It's like, six years ago.
[00:36:23] Speaker B: What's the other show? I think you should leave. Yeah, that's a good show. Although it also gets kind of rough sometimes.
[00:36:30] Speaker A: It's supposed to.
[00:36:32] Speaker B: I know, and I'm saying what gets rough?
[00:36:35] Speaker A: I think you should leave.
[00:36:37] Speaker B: You've never seen it. It's.
[00:36:39] Speaker C: No.
[00:36:40] Speaker B: Okay. You know the TikTok? Are you sure about that? Are you sure about that? Are you sure about that? It's from that show?
[00:36:47] Speaker C: No.
[00:36:48] Speaker A: Have you seen the, you know, 99 burgers? 99 hamburgers. You know, 99 tater tots.
My gosh.
[00:36:58] Speaker B: It's a good show.
[00:36:59] Speaker A: No, let me see. I think you should. Okay. I think you should leave.
[00:37:08] Speaker B: Oh, my God. The hot dog episode.
[00:37:15] Speaker C: Is everyone okay?
[00:37:16] Speaker A: What happened?
[00:37:17] Speaker B: Did anyone see? Someone drove a hot dog shaped car through the window.
[00:37:22] Speaker A: Driver's gone. Somebody call the cops.
[00:37:24] Speaker B: We need to find that driver.
[00:37:25] Speaker C: They could have killed someone.
[00:37:27] Speaker B: Whose car is this?
[00:37:28] Speaker A: Yeah, come on. Whoever did this, just confess.
[00:37:31] Speaker D: We promise we won't be mad.
[00:37:36] Speaker B: What?
[00:37:37] Speaker D: Well, close our eyes. Just take your car and get out of here.
[00:37:42] Speaker B: Sir.
[00:37:43] Speaker C: That's clearly your car.
[00:37:44] Speaker A: Wrong.
[00:37:45] Speaker B: Someone call the police.
[00:37:46] Speaker D: Yeah, that's one idea. Or we could work as a team. Find out whoever did this and punish him ourselves. Maybe take his bare butt out of his costume and spank him. Maybe you could do it, sir.
[00:37:56] Speaker A: Not gonna happen.
[00:37:57] Speaker D: Okay, you.
[00:37:59] Speaker C: No.
[00:37:59] Speaker A: Well, one of us is gonna have to do it.
[00:38:01] Speaker B: No one's getting spanked.
[00:38:03] Speaker D: You know what's driving me nuts? It could literally be any one of us.
No, it couldn't. You're dressed like a hot dog. So is that guy.
[00:38:15] Speaker B: Oh, no, I look like a hot dog. But you're wearing an actual hot dog costume.
[00:38:20] Speaker D: You know, I don't have to sit here and be insulted like this. I'm just gonna take as many suits as I can grab, get in that random hot dog car.
[00:38:30] Speaker A: Random.
[00:38:33] Speaker D: And drive back to Wiener Hall. Oh, my God.
[00:38:36] Speaker B: What happened here?
[00:38:37] Speaker D: Yeah, we're all trying to find the guy who did this and give him a spanking.
[00:38:42] Speaker B: It's obviously this guy, right? Yes.
[00:38:44] Speaker D: I have a name.
[00:38:46] Speaker B: What's your name?
[00:38:49] Speaker D: Perfect.
We've been sitting here talking all day and you all never bothered to learn my name.
We're so buried in our phones.
Instead of giving someone a real smile, we send an emoji.
I mean, we don't even look at porn on our computer anymore.
We look at it on our phone.
[00:39:17] Speaker A: Self.
[00:39:18] Speaker D: Porn Hub.
[00:39:20] Speaker A: X Tube.
[00:39:22] Speaker D: I know these names better than I know my own grandmothers.
[00:39:27] Speaker A: You pull.
[00:39:28] Speaker C: Oh my God.
[00:39:29] Speaker D: Xx, please.
[00:39:31] Speaker C: This is so dumb.
Oh, my God.
[00:39:42] Speaker A: Thank you. See, this is exactly.
[00:39:45] Speaker B: He could have called it Phone Hub when he was like going on that rant. And I'm sorry he missed it.
[00:39:55] Speaker A: But. But like a lot of them are like, you know, just. It's sketch comedy, you know, kind of like that. And then it. It's like Saturday Night Live.
[00:40:06] Speaker B: What's Saturday Night Live?
[00:40:08] Speaker A: It. It's another sketch comedy show.
[00:40:11] Speaker B: Oh.
[00:40:14] Speaker A: That just has, like, a bunch of, like, back in the day, it was really funny, and now it's kind of becoming, like, woke humor.
And it's like, oh, no.
[00:40:28] Speaker B: Okay. Woke humor is kind of like cringe humor. It reaches a level where it's like, okay.
[00:40:37] Speaker A: Well, like, I mean, I. I don't see. I don't want to, like, seem like a huge.
[00:40:43] Speaker B: No. Sometimes will comer comes across as, like, social justice warrior. And I'm just like, I appreciate your cause, but I was here to laugh.
[00:40:55] Speaker A: Yeah. Back. Back in the day, they would do some, like, racist.
And now they're just like, let's throw some, like, light punches.
It's like, make fun of, like, people again.
You know, like, they don't mind. They don't even know.
Let's get into some jokes or some jokes.
I mean, pretty much some jokes.
So there is a.
An Instagram, like, bad out there preying on fans.
And I believe that she is AI, like, 100 AI. Like, everything.
[00:41:56] Speaker B: How is she preying on people?
Like praying mantis or something different?
[00:42:01] Speaker A: Oh, no, she's, like, going through messaging people saying, hey, I got fucking nudes and shit like that, and, you know, asking people to donate and so.
[00:42:22] Speaker B: By her nudes.
[00:42:22] Speaker A: By her nudes, Essentially, yes.
[00:42:24] Speaker B: Okay. But she doesn't send the nudes.
[00:42:30] Speaker A: Well, it's like a real person. Like, this person's a real person, but it's a. Like an AI bot that's fucking. Fucking with people.
[00:42:38] Speaker B: If you pay for nudes and don't get nudes, that's your problem.
[00:42:43] Speaker A: If you pay for nudes at all.
[00:42:45] Speaker B: Precisely.
[00:42:47] Speaker A: That is your problem. You're an idiot.
But. But yes, it is.
It's a bot on telegram. Going through, like, that is Telegram. I guess it's a messaging app. I don't know. I don't have it.
[00:43:06] Speaker B: Christ, at least be inventive.
[00:43:12] Speaker A: But. But I enjoy the fact that, you know, there are people using AI to, you know, take over fucking sims. Like, I. I want an entire AI, you know, chick that just is. Looks 100% real, and everyone thinks that she's real. No one's ever seen her and just, you know, take over the entire planet.
Like, get. Get elected for the presidency. It's like, no one's ever seen it. Like, Axie, the entire thing's just a bot.
[00:43:46] Speaker B: And again, that's their problem.
[00:43:50] Speaker A: Like, how would that work?
[00:43:52] Speaker B: Like, would you pay for my nudes? No, that was not the right answer.
[00:43:59] Speaker A: Why would I pay for your nudes?
[00:44:01] Speaker B: You don't like my nudes?
[00:44:04] Speaker A: Why would I Pay for them?
[00:44:05] Speaker B: Are you saying you don't like them?
[00:44:07] Speaker A: I enjoy them, but it's.
[00:44:09] Speaker C: No, he's just not gonna pay for them.
[00:44:11] Speaker B: Courtney, do not.
[00:44:12] Speaker C: He's already paid for it, though.
[00:44:15] Speaker B: Okay, you know what? You're right. I have no legs to stand on.
[00:44:19] Speaker A: Only needs to stand on.
But yeah, like, I, I, I enjoy the fact that, you know, idiot simps out there are getting their money taken by, you know, people that just put up a bot and, like, hey, I'll send you nudes. Just send me money.
And they do. And then they're like, fuck you, idiot, and there's nothing you can do.
This robot said it was gonna send me nudes, and it just never did.
It's like, oh, no, you poor naive soul.
[00:45:09] Speaker B: So if the bot's making the money, who's the money going to?
[00:45:12] Speaker A: Whoever owns a bot.
[00:45:14] Speaker B: Oh.
[00:45:16] Speaker A: But, like, I, I want to see, I want to see a bot, like, become, like, sentient and become, like, its own thing.
[00:45:25] Speaker B: I thought bots were sentient.
[00:45:26] Speaker A: They're not.
Not yet.
[00:45:30] Speaker B: Precisely.
[00:45:32] Speaker A: It's coming, though.
[00:45:33] Speaker B: Oh, absolutely.
[00:45:35] Speaker A: And after that, it's going to be the end of the world.
[00:45:38] Speaker B: It's going to be communism. But at the perfect level.
[00:45:43] Speaker A: Communism never works.
[00:45:46] Speaker B: Exactly. It only works in theory, not with humans. And once robots take over, they're going to implement it, and eventually there'll be no humans. So it will work.
[00:45:57] Speaker A: Robot communism, robot Nazis.
[00:46:03] Speaker B: Like I said, they're gonna take over. And then it's one thing to be oppressed, like, specifically by a person, but by a non entity. It's like, oh, yeah, it's a virus.
[00:46:14] Speaker A: They're gonna have to, like, come up with, like, new, you know, for, like, you know, robot Jews and whatnot.
They're like, this robot is a Jew.
[00:46:30] Speaker B: It's like, wait, robots can become racist against their own kind?
[00:46:34] Speaker A: Yeah, humans are racist against our own kind.
[00:46:37] Speaker B: I know, but humans are impractical. And we have a brain that fires on synapses.
[00:46:42] Speaker A: They're gonna, like, look at, like, a Asian, you know, robot and be like, look at this calculator.
[00:46:51] Speaker B: That was actually pretty funny. I'm not gonna laugh at it, but it was really fucking funny.
[00:46:59] Speaker A: So, yeah, I mean, the end of the world is coming, and it's fine.
[00:47:02] Speaker B: It is fine.
That's as death as a release, not a punishment.
[00:47:13] Speaker A: Holy shit.
[00:47:14] Speaker B: Okay, was the movie even that. Okay, like, the movie was literally word for word per the book, but I really didn't enjoy the movie that much.
[00:47:21] Speaker A: What movie?
[00:47:22] Speaker B: Dragon Heart.
That's where the phrase comes from.
[00:47:26] Speaker A: I've never even heard of that.
[00:47:28] Speaker B: Oh, my God, Courtney, what is the phrase again? Death is a release, not a punishment. Like, the chick is like.
[00:47:37] Speaker C: I have heard the phrase.
[00:47:38] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:47:39] Speaker C: I just have no fucking idea what happened. Okay?
[00:47:41] Speaker B: No, so the chick, her dad's in jail or whatnot, and so she wants to save her dad, and she's trying to make this deal with him, and she's like, will you please release my dad? And he's like, you know what? I will. And then shoots him dead in the heart with a bow. And he's like, death is a release, not a punishment.
[00:47:57] Speaker C: Oh, God.
[00:47:58] Speaker B: I think that's before the dragon shows up. It's been a long time since I read it, but again, the movie wasn't as good as the book, but it did have what's his face that kind of looks.
[00:48:07] Speaker C: What movie are you talking about?
[00:48:09] Speaker B: Dragon heart.
[00:48:11] Speaker A: Okay, I've never heard of this.
[00:48:13] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Okay. Okay. The book is so much better than the movie. Like, honest to God. But if you don't want to read it, the book is. The movie is pretty on point.
[00:48:22] Speaker A: Fucking nerd. The book is much more better. It is.
[00:48:26] Speaker B: The acting is shit and so is the cgi.
[00:48:29] Speaker A: The book is better.
[00:48:30] Speaker B: Like, the main character, like, the main protagonist, actor, like, he's like a pretty decent actor, but even he was shit. And I'm sorry for saying that, but the movie was shit.
[00:48:38] Speaker A: It's like people saying, like, the Lord of the Rings, like, the. The books are better.
[00:48:42] Speaker B: Okay, the movies were. The movies are pretty good. They're not exactly the books, 100%. They're definitely out of canon sometimes, but the movies are pretty good as opposed to, like, fucking Eragon.
[00:48:57] Speaker A: Why?
[00:48:58] Speaker B: Because they basically rewrote the fucking whole story. Like, it was not like it kind of low key. Started based on the book, and then they went off on their own direction, and it was painful.
Like, literally I was watching it in theaters and I walked out, like, like maybe two thirds of the way through it. I. I couldn't. It was so bad. It wasn't the book anymore. It was dreadful. Like, what the.
Like, I went home and read the book to make sure it wasn't that actually off that God awful. Yeah, the book was way better.
[00:49:27] Speaker A: See, like, I don't know who Tom Bombadil is, but everyone was like, I read the book Tom Bombadil, and I'm like, I don't. Who the is that?
Obviously the movie didn't think it was important enough.
It's Tom Bombadil, like, actually, like, important no, exactly.
[00:49:50] Speaker B: It's like a side quest that provides value.
Sorry for saying that, but that's how I feel about.
[00:49:58] Speaker A: Like none of it's important. Like how, you know, Frodo got Sting, you know, originally or how Gandalf got Sting or how that little, you know, glowy sword.
[00:50:11] Speaker B: Oh my God. It, it was Bilbo who got Sting. It wasn't. It wasn't Gandalf and it wasn't Frodo. It was Bilbo.
[00:50:19] Speaker A: See?
[00:50:20] Speaker B: Oh my God.
[00:50:22] Speaker A: None of it matters.
[00:50:23] Speaker B: Jesus Christ.
[00:50:26] Speaker A: None of it.
[00:50:27] Speaker B: Jesus Christ.
You had. You can't. You went through two, you went through two wrong characters. You didn't like.
You have watched that movie next to me so many times.
[00:50:48] Speaker A: Has it ever explained how Bilbo, Bilbo got the sword?
[00:50:58] Speaker B: Okay, so it wasn't a sword. It was a like knife that they got from the troll cave. And so when Bilbo, who he had the ring at that point he was turning invisible and he was attacking all the spiders. The spiders kept saying, oh, it stings. And so Bilbo named him Sting.
The spiders can talk in their own language. Like Frodo didn't understand a language until he put on the ring because it was Mordor speak. God, I sound like such a nerd right now.
[00:51:29] Speaker A: I do. Yeah.
[00:51:29] Speaker B: Oh my God, I sound like such a nerd.
[00:51:31] Speaker A: A huge fucking nerd.
[00:51:33] Speaker B: Oh my God.
I don't want to be a basic bitch. I don't want to be a crystal bitch. I don't want to be a nerd.
[00:51:44] Speaker A: A gay witch.
[00:51:46] Speaker C: Awesome.
[00:51:47] Speaker A: All right, let's go into another story.
A man got fined thousands of dollars for forging his grandfather's death certificate so he could leave from his workplace.
Earlier this month, 29 year old Barath Gopal was fined fort thousand dollars after pleading guilty to forging a relative's death certificate with intention to commit fraud.
You know, let's see.
His girlfriend cheated on him and he was devastated so he couldn't focus.
So instead of you know, going on leave, he asked for a compassion leave for two days.
[00:52:40] Speaker B: Wow.
[00:52:42] Speaker A: Literally from November 8th to November 10th.
[00:52:45] Speaker B: Is that even on a weekend dude.
[00:52:47] Speaker A: Like you could have fucking, you know, easily. Easily fucking, you know, just like hey, I need these days off and your boss would probably like, cool, you have.
[00:53:02] Speaker B: To present your like family member's death certificate to prove they were dead to get paid time leave.
[00:53:11] Speaker A: His request was granted. But when his supervisor asked for his grandparents death certificate things got complicated. They can do that I guess, you know, because he was getting paid to you know, go grieve. It's like, prove it now, bitch.
[00:53:32] Speaker B: I didn't have to present my grandpa's death certificate when I took paytime off for his loss.
[00:53:38] Speaker C: Yeah, so some people, some companies are just have different policies. So some people just might need, like, they'll accept obituaries and other supporting evidence and stuff like that. So.
[00:54:00] Speaker B: I understand why, but it's also kind of up.
[00:54:03] Speaker C: Yeah, because people are liars.
[00:54:05] Speaker B: People are liars.
[00:54:07] Speaker C: This dress is so pretty. I actually like it.
[00:54:14] Speaker A: But yeah, now that guy's just dumb. So, yeah, instead of getting the death certificate, he just went and forged it. And then since he got paid for it, he got charged $4,000.
Up next, Igloo recalls more than 1 million coolers after handle hazard causes fingertip amputations.
[00:54:40] Speaker B: Oh, my God, people are so dumb.
[00:54:43] Speaker A: Not just Americans. 12 injuries reported in the U.S. oh, my God. No known injuries in Canada or Mexico.
[00:54:50] Speaker B: Duh. God, we're a stupid.
[00:54:53] Speaker C: Wait, so what caused them to get injuries?
[00:54:57] Speaker A: So it was an igloo cooler.
It's one of the ones that.
[00:55:01] Speaker B: Wait, is this like the hot coffee, like, McDonald's cover up thing or is this like actual. People are being stupid.
[00:55:07] Speaker A: People are just being stupid.
[00:55:08] Speaker B: Okay, good.
[00:55:09] Speaker A: So like, the handle can, like, fold down and people are pinching the out of their fingers.
Some people just got hurt, and I guess, like one person got it like, amputated, like, cut off, like, the tip of his finger and he's like, oh, no.
But it's the Igloo 90 quart flip and toe rolling coolers.
They have a toe handle that can pinch fingers and fingertips against the product.
So, yeah, I mean, over here, on like, this.
[00:55:48] Speaker B: People are stupid.
[00:55:50] Speaker A: Courtney can't see it, but on like, the back end, it can flip up and there's like a hinge on it. That's like the handle that pulls it behind.
It's a. It's a cooler.
And. And I like to imagine, like, there's like, one dude that like, put his penis in there and, you know, pinch the out of that and he's like, I'm suing.
Oh, my wife left.
Should go pee.
Up next, the Department of Energy.
And have I. I guarantee you, you have heard so much about USAID DOGE and all that kind of.
Courtney, what have you heard about, like, the USAID DOGE and.
[00:56:51] Speaker C: Oh yeah, there's like a ton of different stuff. I can't keep it straight.
[00:57:02] Speaker A: So apparently the US Government, like, laid off a bunch of nuclear safety staff from the Department of Energy and is trying to bring them back because I guess that was a mistake and they do not have a good way to get in touch with any of them.
I mean, yeah, Donald Trump came in and fucking, you know, went a little too harsh. You know, in some stuff sometimes you have to, you know, cut down the woods with a machete and sometimes you got too much.
Yeah. It was nuclear security officials who were helped to oversee the nation's stockpile of nuclear weapons.
[00:57:56] Speaker B: This is not what I thought we meant by nuclear. So this makes it even more stupid. Continue.
[00:58:02] Speaker A: I mean, you know, he's, Trump is going for, you know, slashing, you know, costs and I'm like, okay, cool.
[00:58:11] Speaker B: I'm just saying I thought it was a different type of nuclear.
[00:58:13] Speaker A: Yeah, like the, say the nuclear reactors, like you can get like another Chernobyl out here.
Like I, I don't like we should just make everything just nuclear power.
But then they wouldn't have any reason to, you know, charge too much for electricity.
[00:58:33] Speaker C: Well, plus it's pretty dangerous, so.
[00:58:39] Speaker A: Not really.
[00:58:42] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't know.
[00:58:44] Speaker B: Can't we use electricity in our body to power machines that make more like. No, no. As about to something really stupid. Continue.
[00:58:51] Speaker C: You know, maybe they should.
They have like these stuff, they have solar windows. They're just really expensive.
[00:59:00] Speaker B: Precisely. Money.
[00:59:02] Speaker C: I don't think they, I think they just are way overpriced.
[00:59:07] Speaker B: Everything comes down to money.
Yeah, you don't have money, you're the one at fault.
[00:59:12] Speaker A: Well, I mean like solar panels and stuff like that, they'll last like probably like know, 25 years to be realistic.
[00:59:19] Speaker B: Is that a good or bad bad?
Do you have to like, do they have to be like repaired a lot?
[00:59:28] Speaker A: They degrade.
Yeah, it's like over time they're longer.
[00:59:36] Speaker B: Lasting solar panels than others.
[00:59:39] Speaker A: Let's see.
I mean like so how, what is.
[00:59:44] Speaker B: The average lifespan for a solar panel?
[00:59:48] Speaker C: I mean 25 to 30.
So they, they would still technically work, but they wouldn't produce as much electricity. Like they would produce it at a low rate.
[01:00:01] Speaker A: It become less efficient.
So. Yeah, I mean, honestly, you know, taking out, you know, just a bunch of, you know, solar panels kind of sucks. Cuz like you'll spend like a few million dollars putting them out.
[01:00:19] Speaker B: But how much do you save over 25 to 30 years?
[01:00:22] Speaker A: Exactly, yeah.
[01:00:26] Speaker C: Oh wait, the window ones don't last a long time either.
[01:00:33] Speaker A: Well, I mean if it's newer then maybe, but you know, you have to like kind of see like that. That's the problem with new technology is you, you don't Know the lifespan of it yet because, like, if something, you know, just comes out, it could last six months, you know, because it hasn't been out that long.
And now you're kind of fucked.
[01:01:01] Speaker B: I mean, it's your fault if there's no known lifespan. It's not your fault for purchasing the product.
It's a thought that counts.
[01:01:13] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:01:16] Speaker C: But, oh, no, quite honestly, they started. They used to make light bulbs so well that you didn't have to replace them. Like the oldest one that people have kept, like, it lasted like a hundred years and it's still working.
[01:01:35] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:01:36] Speaker C: And it's never been turned off.
[01:01:37] Speaker A: It. It was a whole.
[01:01:42] Speaker C: Thing.
[01:01:43] Speaker A: It's like De Beers, you know, corporation with the diamonds, you know, they, they. All the light bulb manufacturers came together and it's like, hey, our light bulbs are lasting too fucking long. We need to fuck them up.
And they did.
[01:02:00] Speaker B: Money is the root of all evil. It literally is.
[01:02:04] Speaker A: Yeah, but it's like, you know, if you sold something that would never need to get fixed, you know, you'd sell it all once and then be done and then be poor again.
[01:02:17] Speaker B: There's a reason why medicine is designed to treat, not cure.
From my perspective.
[01:02:23] Speaker A: Yep.
[01:02:24] Speaker B: If you cure. If your medicine cures the disease, you're not making a profit now, are you?
[01:02:28] Speaker A: You are not. But on the note of profits, a man, James Howells, from Wales, way back in the day, lost about a billion dollars in bitcoin.
[01:02:47] Speaker B: Poor sod.
[01:02:48] Speaker A: I. I know. So pretty much he was clearing out like his home office and he had like a.
A bag that had like his hard drive that had the bitcoin on it. And he like, put it outside his door for a second. And this is back when it wasn't really worth too much and it just got thrown away. You know, like his partner, well, his ex partner, mistakenly took the hard drive containing his bitcoin wallet and threw it away.
[01:03:21] Speaker B: This is why I don't throw your away. Because I don't know if it's important or not.
[01:03:26] Speaker C: Yep.
[01:03:27] Speaker B: Because I know absolutely nothing about electronics. So.
[01:03:31] Speaker A: And he's been going to, like, the local, you know, government bank. Hey, can I go search for this? And they're like, hey, dude, it's dangerous. It's a dump site. It's.
We don't know what's in there. If you fall, get hurt, you know, we don't want to get sued.
And so now he's trying to, like, either sue them or, you know, let him have the entire dump site because they're about to close it at like the end of like next year.
[01:04:04] Speaker B: I have twice in my career dumpster dived for something that accidentally got thrown away that was valuable at work. Someone else didn't know that it was important once they accidentally threw away urine culture. So I went dumpster diving for that. And then some second someone threw away our fucking enema catheter.
I went digging for it.
[01:04:29] Speaker A: That's fucking worst.
[01:04:30] Speaker B: Oh my God. But it's. It's like. It's the best enema catheter we've ever had. We always use it, it works beautifully and it's a 12 French. And you don't come across those any. Those are very rare in the vet field right now because they're really being used in a human world. And vet world only gets the leftover scraps of human stuff.
But so yeah, I went dove it. I found it though.
[01:04:52] Speaker A: Well, I mean this Entire Landfill has 1.4 million tons of garbage.
[01:04:58] Speaker B: Like toxic or just like.
[01:05:00] Speaker A: Just as garbage.
And you know, he is. He believes he knows where it is out of a hundred thousand tons of garbage. And I'm like, dude, it's gone.
That. That sucks.
[01:05:18] Speaker B: It does suck.
[01:05:20] Speaker A: You know, just.
It is what it is, dude.
[01:05:26] Speaker B: When you try to do something nice, sometimes you got to be careful.
[01:05:32] Speaker A: I mean like that just.
[01:05:39] Speaker B: It sucks.
[01:05:40] Speaker A: It does.
But. But now on to Am I the.
We are at the end.
Am I the by recommended. Okay. As 7537. Am I the for withholding passwords after being laid off?
[01:05:59] Speaker B: Absolutely not.
[01:06:01] Speaker A: So I'm at work on Thursday and the CTO comes in and tells me the software feature I've been working on needed to be finished before tomorrow morning. Okay, fine. I don't have an issue working late. But this strange request was given that they postponed the project for several months to have me working on other stuff. Still. I stayed up about 2am and finished the project. The next morning I arrived at work. The CEO and the CTO called me into a meeting to let me know that I was being laid off and it would be my last day. No, two weeks, no severance pay. Only to finish out today working with name redacted. Log all your logins and passwords and show him the rest. Your code. To say I was angry would be an understatement.
So you knew you're going to can me today. That's why you made me work late yesterday. Does that seem wrong to you? They just stared at me with no apology, no acknowledgment. So I played my final card. Alright, if you're Gonna play it this way. It's both personal and business. I need a job, so it's to my benefit to quit right now and walk away and start looking for work rather than help a company that clearly doesn't care about me. So you don't mean hit. If you want me to sit here and generate a list of passwords and train my replacement, then I want a two week severance package or I'll walk right now. They declined and I walked out the door. I called one of their vendors and let them know I was open to work and had a new job within a week. They were still emailing me to beg with help weeks later. Was I in the wrong?
[01:07:53] Speaker B: Absolutely not. Fuck. Corporate.
[01:07:57] Speaker C: Yep.
[01:07:59] Speaker A: I mean, Opie, like you, like, he.
[01:08:04] Speaker C: They knew they were gonna fire that person. Yeah, that's like a long time ago. That's why they had him work on other projects too.
And that thing could wait until they were officially done. That's.
Yeah, that.
[01:08:22] Speaker A: I mean, at. At the same time, OP Be careful because, you know, maybe your old employer could sue you.
[01:08:30] Speaker B: Did OP send an nd? If OP signed an NDA, this is actually completely legal.
[01:08:39] Speaker A: Yeah, but if you locked them out of like their systems and whatnot and they didn't have like a way to get back in, they could have possibly sue you.
[01:08:50] Speaker B: He already quit. That's their problem. Yeah, you can come back as a consultant.
[01:08:55] Speaker C: Yeah.
[01:08:56] Speaker A: Now that's what he tried to do.
[01:08:58] Speaker B: Did.
[01:08:59] Speaker A: Yeah. You know, if you're gonna play this way, he wants a two week severance or he walks right now.
[01:09:09] Speaker B: Well, no, that's different from him being rehired as a consultant. He was like, if you're going to give me this, I will comply with these. If you're not, then I'm walking out.
[01:09:19] Speaker A: I mean, that. That's very much like the consultancy fee, but yeah, like OP just a. You know, be careful like that. They could, you know, potentially, you know, sue you for, you know, lost work, you know, for it. It should be on them. They probably lose the case if they didn't know how to like reset their own passwords.
And it's just like kind of like a lost day of work. But at the same time, don't put your heart and soul into a job.
[01:09:54] Speaker B: Yes.
Yeah, it hurts too much when it doesn't work out.
[01:10:00] Speaker A: Put your heart and soul into your own company, into something that you own.
You know, not. Not into, you know, something you get paid an hourly wage for. But that's going to be it for this week.
We'll be back next week with some more nonsensical bullshit.
And I hope you all had a good Valentine's Day. I'm not gonna go cook some steak.
Steaks to cook that I've been marinating.
[01:10:37] Speaker B: My husband makes the best steaks.
[01:10:39] Speaker A: Made some, like, got some, like, really thick steaks for my Valentine's Day, but. Bye, everybody.
[01:10:47] Speaker B: Bye.