The Night Before

Episode 51 December 23, 2024 01:10:48
The Night Before
The Human Podcast
The Night Before

Dec 23 2024 | 01:10:48


Hosted By

Alex The Truck

Show Notes

[Explicit Language][Sexual Content]

This week we go off the cuff with some christmas bs and tell some stories

[email protected] . 


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Alrighty, everybody. Welcome back to another week of the Human podcast. If you're listening to this, it is Christmas week. I guess. I mean. [00:00:09] Speaker B: I guess. [00:00:10] Speaker A: I mean, they could be listening to it, you know, in the future. [00:00:13] Speaker B: Well, if it comes out on Sunday, then it is this week. [00:00:16] Speaker A: I mean, it. But if they're listening to it, like, two months from now. [00:00:20] Speaker B: Okay. [00:00:21] Speaker A: Like, if it turns out to be, like, a good episode and they're like, oh, holy shit, this is actually a good podcast, then, you know, awesome. But, you know, if you never listen to it, then, you know, even better. But I am your host, Alex. A truck. We got Courtney across the land and, you know, remoting in, and then we got my wife here. [00:00:44] Speaker B: Not the truck. [00:00:45] Speaker A: Not the truck. And yeah, it is Christmas week and. And I have to, like, bring up some shit. Like, I have a nutcracker, and I have never used it to, you know, crack nuts. [00:01:02] Speaker B: I don't. They're not designed to crack nuts. They're just for show. [00:01:06] Speaker A: Then why are they called nutcrackers? Like, do, like, men put their balls in it and be like, ah, cracked my nuts. [00:01:13] Speaker B: Like, I don't know about the. I don't know where they came from, but I do know you need an actual, like, the metal, like, nutcracker to break a nut open. [00:01:20] Speaker A: Feel like you can get, like a. Like a peanut to, like, crack in there. [00:01:24] Speaker B: Okay. Well, peanuts are, like, their shells are, like, soft. [00:01:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:01:28] Speaker B: Still a nut, but, like, pistachio shells are really hard to crack. [00:01:33] Speaker A: Yeah. I just. I put the entire. Okay. I feel like I'm the only one that does this because I'm the only one I've ever seen do it. I take the entire pistachio fucking shell and all, pop it in my mouth, suck off the salt, and then, you know, crack it with my teeth and then spit out the shells. Yeah, like. Like a sunflower seed. [00:01:53] Speaker B: Some people do that. [00:01:55] Speaker A: I'm the only person I've ever seen do it. And I. [00:01:57] Speaker B: No, lots of people do it. [00:01:59] Speaker A: People look at me crazy. [00:02:00] Speaker B: Why else would. Okay, no, lots of people do it. Otherwise they would not sell pistachios with the shell, like, seasoned and then the nut inside. [00:02:10] Speaker A: Oh, mochi, you little fuck. [00:02:13] Speaker C: I like it. [00:02:16] Speaker A: Like, I'll do it on a plane. Like, I'll, like, get, like, a pack of pistachios, get on a plane and spit them out, like, in my hand. And I feel like. And I, like, drop them in the cup, like a little cup that they give you on a plane. [00:02:29] Speaker B: I like pistachios. My mom used to make peanut brittle, but she made it with pistachios instead. And it was so good. Hey, Courtney, remember, like, oh, okay. On like the road we lived like kind of middle wise. There was like a off road and if you went up it, it was to a pistachio farm. And somehow my mom was friends with the dude. So like, sometimes we go up and we'd get to. We would get to pick pistachios from the trees and keep them and eat them. [00:03:01] Speaker A: But like, like, like who decided to make like a dude? Like, make a wooden dude to like crack nuts. Like, there's easier ways to go about that. [00:03:13] Speaker B: Like, does the nutcracker become. Did the nutcracker come before or after the ballet? Is my question. [00:03:21] Speaker A: I mean, I have to assume the ballet came after some retard fucking made a, you know, nutcracker. That's like, hey, yeah, we'll put walnuts in there. And it breaks immediately. It's like, oh, you got a bad one. Buy another one. And just scammed a bunch of fucking people. And then he, like, made a ballet. I don't know what the ballet is. [00:03:43] Speaker B: Christmas decorations are scams. No, no, no, no. [00:03:51] Speaker A: I'd have to say no. [00:03:52] Speaker B: Okay, I respect that. [00:03:55] Speaker A: Like, you, you can get, you know, like, the ones you like. Like, our Christmas tree ain't a scam. We used it, you know. Candy canes, great decoration. [00:04:09] Speaker B: I eat the candy canes afterwards. [00:04:10] Speaker A: It's an edible decoration. Phenomenal. And you can sharpen it with your tongue, stab people. [00:04:18] Speaker B: Have you seen the video of the cat, like, chewing on the candy cane, but it breaks through and actually gets a hit of the candy cane. And the kitty is so offended. Like the whole, like, jerk back with the eyes closed and the paused race. Offended. Like the best level of offended cat. That's the best level. I love offended cats. [00:04:38] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, everyone likes an offended cat. [00:04:42] Speaker B: I know, right? [00:04:43] Speaker A: Like, my cat fucking, like, you know, crawls across me. She does this all the fucking time. Just like, to get where she needs to go. She's like, how is the most inconvenient way for him for me to get there? It's like if I jump over him and then walk across his face and then go to, you know, take a piss. [00:05:06] Speaker B: Okay, you know what? No. The fastest way to summon mochi when you cannot find her is to snuggle up with me. The second I physically touch your body, she's there, like, out of nowhere. Freaking slut. [00:05:20] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, if I'm laying, like, if it's bedtime, she'll come and get me because she knows. And then she's like, hey, come on, let's go lay down. I'm like, all right, fucking let's go lay down. And then she's just like, you know, snuggles on my face and then demands I pet her. Otherwise she'll like take her claws out, oh, so slightly and just like lay them on, like a soft part of my body. Just like, hey, here, here's your, you know, your chest. Boom. Do you enjoy that? Pet me and the claws go back in the little murder mittens. [00:06:03] Speaker B: Murder mittens are the best. Okay, so when a cat is declawed, I called it Murderless Mittens. [00:06:12] Speaker A: Oh, my God. I mean, they still have teeth? [00:06:15] Speaker B: Well, yeah, of course they have teeth. [00:06:17] Speaker A: I feel like, like a declawed cat is like a more dangerous cat because like now they're like, you know, they don't use their claws anymore. Now they go straight for their teeth. [00:06:28] Speaker B: Okay. No, it's terrible. So declawed cats are usually like one of the most aggressive cats at the vet because they know they don't have their claws, so they have to be extra scary. So you don't know they don't have their weapons. Like, they freak this shit out if they're scared because they know they're vulnerable because they don't have their claws. Like, it's really fucking sad to see. Oh, like, it's awful. Please don't declaw your cat. [00:06:59] Speaker A: I mean, you know, get a leather couch. I like, I don't know why people don't just get, like, people get. [00:07:04] Speaker B: Seriously, people get couches and then they get cats, and then they complain about the cats scratching their thousand dollar, like, fucking Turkish rug. [00:07:13] Speaker A: I've never ever paid for a couch in my life. [00:07:16] Speaker B: I know, right? All our couches have been free. It's been dope. I really like the couch we have. [00:07:21] Speaker C: And they can smell a little funky sometimes. [00:07:24] Speaker B: Well, I mean, we've had sex on them enough for the smell to be funky anyway. [00:07:28] Speaker A: Jesus. [00:07:30] Speaker B: What? [00:07:30] Speaker C: Oh, my God. No, like, that one couch, it definitely had a smell. I think you guys still have that couch, don't you? [00:07:38] Speaker B: We just had the leather, like, two piece. [00:07:41] Speaker A: There was a couch that was upstairs. [00:07:44] Speaker B: That smelled like cat piss. And then you got mad. [00:07:46] Speaker C: Yeah, your cat fucking pissed all over. [00:07:49] Speaker B: It because it already smelled like cat piss. [00:07:51] Speaker A: Okay. [00:07:51] Speaker B: So me and brought it into the house. [00:07:54] Speaker A: It smells like dog piss. [00:07:56] Speaker B: What's the difference? [00:07:58] Speaker A: One is, like tolerable. Okay, so, you know, I saw. Okay, let me, let me tell the story of this fucking couch. So everyone can fucking, you know, understand where this came from. So I, you know, I came home and you know, my, my roommate Ben at the time, he saw the couch and we like each saw the couch and we like pointed at the couch and it was like literally like just like a block away. So we ran over there and you know, picked up the couch, like fucking, you know, checked it out, you know, made sure it didn't stink too bad. I mean, yeah, if you see some shit that's free on the side of the road, it's gonna stink. It could be a mirror, it could be a fucking piano that your fucking sister drops off in our garage. Oh my God, I forgot about that Piss. The pissiest of the cat. Piss, Piss, piss. [00:08:55] Speaker C: Yeah, it was annoying. It was so disgusting. It was the dumbest thing ever. [00:09:01] Speaker B: Although, to be honest, she's done dumb. She's done dumber shit. But oh my God, the fucking upstanding piano. [00:09:09] Speaker A: So, you know, we bring it over to our yard, we rip off the free sign and we, you know, shampoo it all down, we fucking scrub it all out and it's fine. At this point, it's fine to the human nose. [00:09:23] Speaker B: Mochi incoming. [00:09:24] Speaker A: Yeah. Hey, baby girl. And then my. We had like this cancerous cat. [00:09:34] Speaker B: That's how you're going to describe her. I mean, she was full of cancer, but her name was Guinevere and she was a long haired flame point and she sat on my back when I was reading books. Like, she just splayed out on me. She was my lab cat, my one and only. [00:09:51] Speaker A: Yeah, get a short hair. No, that loves you. Like, look at this. Look how much she loves me. [00:09:57] Speaker B: I want genically mutated cats who have long fur. [00:10:02] Speaker A: So we get this couch inside and Guinevere, you know, immediately runs over to the couch and squats like in between. It's like a love seat. And she squats in between the two cushions and pisses directly in the deepest part of it and just keeps on pissing deep in the deepest part of it. [00:10:24] Speaker B: It already smelled like cat pee. And if it smells like cat pee, cats are going to think it's a potty, so they're going to pee there. [00:10:31] Speaker A: Yeah, maybe the cancer like riddled her brain. [00:10:34] Speaker B: I mean, pretty honestly, she had like really nasty cancer and it was aggressive. Like we only had her for a few months before I had to put her down because she went into heart failure. And like, I could have given her drugs and like pulled her out of it and we would have had some more time but it wouldn't have been quality time, and I wouldn't put her through it, so I put her down. [00:10:55] Speaker A: I mean, it was a sweet cat, but it fucking ruined. That freak out. [00:10:59] Speaker B: That couch was already ruined. [00:11:02] Speaker A: And then she peed. [00:11:03] Speaker B: Nowhere else in house. Outside a litter box. It was just on that couch. That couch. Okay? And I'm sorry, that is a lie. [00:11:10] Speaker C: She was peeing on the curtains, too. [00:11:12] Speaker B: She was what curtains? Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I don't remember any of this, so whatever you tell me is valid. [00:11:17] Speaker A: So. Yeah, I mean, that. That cat was a pissy cat, but, you know, so Ben got upset, and so, like, you know, he grabbed his work truck and we just threw it in the back of his work truck and he took it to work and threw it away in his fucking work dumpster. [00:11:31] Speaker B: That was the best way to handle it. [00:11:34] Speaker A: Yeah, we just, you know, we dealt with it. It was done. And I'm like, okay, fine, whatever. [00:11:42] Speaker B: It was a free couch that smelled like kappas. [00:11:47] Speaker A: I mean, it was a good couch. [00:11:51] Speaker B: No, it wasn't. It had flowers on it. [00:11:55] Speaker A: So you remember what the couch looked like? [00:11:57] Speaker B: Yeah, because flower patterns creep me out. [00:12:00] Speaker A: I don't remember what the couch looked. [00:12:02] Speaker C: Like, but, yeah, our couch has flowers, flower patterns. [00:12:07] Speaker A: The. The amount. I cannot tell you what your couch looks like. I don't remember. I've been to your house. No idea. But yeah, I mean, the amount of stuff we, like, you know, we threw away. [00:12:22] Speaker B: Thank God. [00:12:27] Speaker A: What? Thank God. [00:12:28] Speaker B: Thank God. I'm not even gonna pretend it. [00:12:31] Speaker A: It still bothers me to this day that I had that I had a fucking, like an automatic, like, Fleshlight, like one of those, like, flashlights. Like. [00:12:43] Speaker B: Oh, the blue one. [00:12:44] Speaker A: No, no, no, no, the fucking expensive one. I had a nice. It was like $300. And like, you, like, put in a sleeve and it fucking goes up and down. Is rechargeable, you know, and that got left behind. [00:13:00] Speaker B: I thought you didn't take it on your truck. [00:13:03] Speaker A: No, like, wouldn't you. [00:13:04] Speaker B: Shouldn't you be, like, using that in your hotel? [00:13:07] Speaker A: Why? [00:13:08] Speaker B: Because what else would you use it for? [00:13:12] Speaker A: I mean, like, that. That was initially the plan. And just. Fuck. It just sat like the blue fucking blowjob one is still there. And it. [00:13:20] Speaker B: That one was pathetic though, right? [00:13:22] Speaker A: It wasn't great. [00:13:23] Speaker B: Yeah, no, it wasn't a great time. You did not look like you were having a good time. [00:13:28] Speaker A: I think there's, like, you know, just like a sticker on its lips now. It's just. It's weird. It's like the fucking blue bitch from Fifth Element. The one that gets, like, stabbed and she has, like, a stone in her stomach. [00:13:41] Speaker B: No, literally, it was just like, a freaking bracelet. It just had beads around it that moved up and down. [00:13:47] Speaker A: But, yeah, no, I had a good one. And I'm like, make sure that basket gets picked up and brought with you. Got left. I'm like, fuck. And, yeah, that was. [00:14:02] Speaker B: I quit at 4 in the morning. Okay. It's not my fault. You had so much shit that wouldn't even fit in the house had you brought it. And if you'd only picked the primary stuff you wanted to keep and jump the trash, that wouldn't have happened. [00:14:16] Speaker A: It don't matter. We got it all out and it's all fine now, and it's. It's whatever. [00:14:23] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:14:25] Speaker A: Yeah. I don't even have time to jerk off in my hotel now. I go to my hotel, take a shower, go to the bar. [00:14:33] Speaker C: Oh, my. [00:14:34] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:34] Speaker B: Like, so you're jacking off. [00:14:35] Speaker C: Wasn't that really hard? Didn't you, like, go on a no drinking month? Did you even last? [00:14:43] Speaker A: I did, yeah. [00:14:44] Speaker B: Yeah, he did. Like, props. [00:14:46] Speaker A: He did it the entire sober October. Yeah. [00:14:48] Speaker B: Yeah, no, he rocked it. [00:14:50] Speaker C: Oh, wow. [00:14:51] Speaker A: I mean, I. I'm not, you know, I am an alcoholic, but it's more. [00:14:55] Speaker B: Fun to be an alcoholic. Being sober sucks, but, yeah. [00:15:01] Speaker A: No, I. I'm like, I can do it. And. [00:15:05] Speaker B: And you fucking did it. And how did. And afterwards you fucking were like, that was bullshit. [00:15:11] Speaker A: Yeah. It was the dumbest thing ever. Never do sober October. No. Never get sober for fucking no goddamn reason. Why, like, do drugs? Fuck hookers. Who cares? You're gonna die eventually and be like, well, I lived a healthy life and ate tofu. Fuck you, idiot. You know, who cares? You know, it's like, do some cocaine. Do heroin. Find out what it's like. Oh, this is great, man. [00:15:39] Speaker B: For a while, like, I did no weed for, like, a month, mainly because I had to pass a drug test. But, like, the thing was, like, it was so bad for lemia. My nightmares were worse. My anxiety was wor. Like, I just, like, it was so bad for me. Like, overall, like, I was, like, feeling more pain. Like, I was so. My body is so dependent on thc, which is not a good. [00:16:00] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:16:00] Speaker B: Like, I just, like, won't say. Like, I feel like if you were. [00:16:03] Speaker C: That, like, that you should have gone longer and seen. Because sometimes, like, if you're going through withdrawals and stuff, like, I was reading how sometimes it can actually make anxiety worse. [00:16:15] Speaker B: Yeah. And like, so quite honestly, I could have done it, but not with my nightmares. Like, I just. I can't handle my nightmare disorder. Like when I have nightmares, they're so fucking bad. Like, I just. I can't go back to that. I want nice sleep where I don't remember anything. And it's refreshing. I'm not trapped in my. I don't. My sleep, it. My sleep can't be my prison. I'm not gonna live like that anymore. If something makes them. If not doing something. Have you. [00:16:43] Speaker C: Have you. There's this. The trip app that I showed you. [00:16:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:48] Speaker C: Has something called lucid dreaming. I did the first two sessions. It's like a week long thing. And I could actually, like, I was starting to lucid dream. Like I could change my dreams. It was really weird. Have you tried? [00:17:05] Speaker A: Can you not do that? [00:17:06] Speaker C: You should try to do. [00:17:07] Speaker B: So I'm on two medicines to help with my nightmare because part of so my nightmare disorder, part of it is my adrenaline is way too fucking high. So one of the medicines I'm on drops my adrenaline level. And then we. And then. So my nightly dose of my anti anxiety medicine is double what my, like, morning dose is. And between the two of those and the weed, I have nice blank sleep. Like, Courtney, it's blank. Like I wake up and I don't remember anything. And that's the best possible thing. [00:17:38] Speaker C: Yeah. Alex, not everyone can change their dreams. [00:17:42] Speaker B: I know. And I'm not one of those people because, Courtney, I have my nightmares. And then if I'm really lucky, I also have my sleep paralysis. Oh my God, it's so good. I love it. It's my favorite thing in the whole world. [00:17:54] Speaker A: I've only had sleep paralysis once. [00:17:56] Speaker B: That's nice. [00:17:58] Speaker A: And it, like, it was in one room at Best Western in Cortez that everyone was, you know, skeptical about because they're like, that room is fucking haunted. And I only found out after I got put in that room. And I'm like, oh, yeah, there's something fucked up with that room. [00:18:23] Speaker B: I hate sleep paralysis so much. Like when I stopped doing weed, that's when it started happening again. And I can't go back to that. I don't care if that makes me an addict, but I. There's some things I will know. I. If I can no longer have to experience it, I will do whatever it takes. [00:18:41] Speaker A: I mean, like, any time, like I. I don't really have, you know, nightmares. Like, Like, I'll have dreams that are like, supposed to be scary. And then I'm like, oh, yeah. And I just. I'm like, I kill everything that's, like, bad. [00:19:02] Speaker B: Like, my most scariest nightmares are just so benign. Like, it's so frustrating. [00:19:08] Speaker A: I had a dream where I was driving. You know, I was in the truck. You know, like, for the entire dream, nothing happened. I was just driving. And then I woke up, and I'm like, no. [00:19:22] Speaker B: Oh, my God, I hate those where you go to work, but then you wake up and then you have to go to work. Those suck. [00:19:30] Speaker A: I'm like, damn it. [00:19:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I hate work dreams. They're so annoying. [00:19:40] Speaker A: I mean. I mean, I. I have, like, a few, like, Christmas little nuggets in here that I just, like, wrote down quick and annoying. I have carolers. Like, I have never seen a caroler come up to my door. Oh, geez. [00:19:59] Speaker C: People don't do that anymore. But you know what they do? Like, what I did when I was little, I was taking singing lessons, and she took us, like, it was an event, and we went and sang at all the, like, wineries. [00:20:15] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, like, if you go to a area to sing, like, if you go to, like, a park to sing, you know, Cool. You know, hey, we're gonna be singing some songs down here at the park. Cool. Go down to the fucking park. Sing some songs. You know, like, I go. You know, I used to go do karaoke. You know, I can't no more because, you know, they changed up my fucking days and sucks. [00:20:39] Speaker B: Wait, so you've never been true caroling? Like, going door to door and singing? No, I've done that. And it is so embarrassing. [00:20:47] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:20:48] Speaker B: Like, no, it's so awful. [00:20:51] Speaker A: It was so awful. [00:20:52] Speaker B: Oh, my God, it was so embarrassing because, like, there are people who would be like, oh, okay. And are people who will just, like, shut the door. And then the worst is people who, like, they just open the door and they just smile at you, and you can feel the pity from them. Like, you can feel it. And it's so awful. Like, I hated every single second of it. [00:21:18] Speaker C: It was so awful. [00:21:20] Speaker A: Yeah, like. Like, that is, like, Christmas cringe, you know? I feel bad for the people that get roped into it, you know, And I. I have, you know, done embarrassing things on stage. You know, I have told embarrassing stories, sung embarrassing songs. I've let other people choose my songs. I'm like, yeah, go for it. Choose a song for me to sing. I don't care. Any song. Oh, this is a horrible fucking song. God damn you. Oh. This song is entirely in Japanese. Okay, let's Go for it. [00:21:56] Speaker B: Like, there's a reason why I absolutely fucking hate Silent Night. [00:22:01] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:22:02] Speaker B: No, it's awful. [00:22:03] Speaker C: I used to hate Christmas music because when I was in high school, I performed in the freaking parade, and for like, a month or two, we were listening to freaking Christmas music over and over and over. [00:22:19] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [00:22:20] Speaker C: And then we had to perform the same four songs throughout the whole thing. So it's just four songs. And then it was just so. And then I was a server, and Christmas music coming out in November, full of Christmas. It was annoying. But now that I don't have that anymore, I actually like Christmas music again. It's so nice. [00:22:44] Speaker A: There's been some crazy dude up on, like, Instagram making Star Trek, you know, clips, you know, of, like, all the cast singing songs, you know, of, like, Christmas songs. Like, you know, it's just like, jump cuts, you know, I don't want a lot for Christmas, and it's great. Like, I sent it to, like, my group chat. Like, I have one friend in there that really likes Star Trek, and she's, like, the only one that's like, I like this. Everyone else ignored it, moved past. I'm like, that's exactly it. That's exactly what I wanted to happen, and I'm super stoked. [00:23:34] Speaker C: You're so mean. [00:23:36] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, like, I will never go caroling. I'll just say that. [00:23:44] Speaker B: Don't. It's. It's. It's awful. It's. It's like, never do it with me, Alex. No, no. [00:23:52] Speaker A: Like, that. That's what. [00:23:53] Speaker B: Community to pieces. And the answer is no. [00:23:56] Speaker A: If they made that a community service thing that you had to go Christmas carol, crime would drop to zero. Zero. No. They're like, you can either go serve five years in prison or go do a week of caroling. They're like, prison? Yeah. I'll take the ass rape and all that. Yeah. Prison. Obviously, we are carolers. [00:24:22] Speaker B: Just seasonal. Jehovah's Witness. [00:24:25] Speaker A: Like, what do they want afterwards? Like, after they get done with all their songs? Like, do they move? Like, how do you end that interaction? You know, you just leave, just awkwardly, like, all right, cool. Bye. [00:24:42] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:24:43] Speaker A: Move next door. [00:24:45] Speaker B: Yeah. No, they shut the door and you leave. That's all there is to it. [00:24:48] Speaker A: Yeah. No, like, I would just, like, if I. If someone comes to, like, this house and starts caroling, I'm going to follow them. I'm just. I'm just gonna be like, yay. Like, every single song and just make them feel really uncomfortable. [00:25:03] Speaker B: I would hand them out Shots before they left. Because that's what I needed. [00:25:08] Speaker C: See, that's what we do. That's what we should do. If we had more friends, we could go and go carol at their house. [00:25:17] Speaker A: Yeah, like I would have to be hammered to go fucking caroling. Like, give me. [00:25:24] Speaker B: How is caroling different from Halloween? Is it just the costumes? [00:25:28] Speaker A: Yeah. When you do Halloween, knock on the door. Trick or treat, Candy. [00:25:33] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, you can, sugar. Okay, continue. [00:25:36] Speaker A: You know, for caroling, I have to sing a whole ass song. You know, like I hope someone comes to do it. That way like they can get to the end of the song and be like, sorry, I'm Jewish, I killed your savior. Even though I'm not Jewish at all. I'll be like, I what? [00:25:56] Speaker B: Like I just thought of this song you showed me where it's like, Jesus is my N word. [00:26:01] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, the. The. It. Like, let me, let me see if I can pull it up. You know, it just made me thought of it. [00:26:12] Speaker B: I'm so sorry. And I. I have never felt so white in my life when I just said that. [00:26:23] Speaker C: Oh my. [00:26:30] Speaker A: Let's pull it up. Yeah, I mean, like, this was youth. [00:26:38] Speaker B: Quiet Reach program, Youth outreach. [00:26:41] Speaker A: I love it. [00:26:47] Speaker C: Well, I wrote this song for the Christian youth. I want to teach kids the Christian truth. If you want to reach those kids on the street, then you gotta do. [00:26:55] Speaker A: A rap to a hip hop beat. [00:26:57] Speaker C: So I gave my sermon an urban kick. My rhymes are fly, my beats are sick. My crew is big and it keeps getting bigger. That's cause Jesus Christ is. [00:27:12] Speaker A: Exactly, exactly what you think this white man's gonna say. Yes. [00:27:17] Speaker B: Oh my God, it's so good. And it just gets so much better. [00:27:20] Speaker A: His wife comes in and starts rapping. Yeah. [00:27:23] Speaker B: No, like it is a masterpiece. [00:27:27] Speaker A: And yes, the entire thing was a hoax. It was, you know, great. It was a great little bit. A top notch, absolute. Oh my gosh. [00:27:40] Speaker C: Oh my gosh. I read something about jury duty and you know, it actually was pretty interesting. When I did jury duty, I just. The case that I got was really shitty. [00:27:52] Speaker A: Wait, what was your case? I gotta hear this. [00:27:55] Speaker C: You don't remember I was living with you guys? [00:28:00] Speaker A: No, I do. Like, if it's more than a year ago, I forget. [00:28:06] Speaker C: Oh, wow, man. Guys, you guys both have shitty memory. [00:28:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:28:11] Speaker C: Anyway, when I lived with you guys, when I like, like quite honestly, it was when I was working as a receptionist at that pediatric clinic, I fucking hated it. [00:28:23] Speaker B: Oh my God. That was an experience for you? [00:28:27] Speaker C: Yeah, no, it was so horrible. And like the girl who was Training me was horrible, but also, I think I wasn't as good as I could have been because I was dealing with a ton of insomnia. [00:28:39] Speaker B: Yeah, no, you were not in a good place. [00:28:42] Speaker C: I think I was, like, still dealing with, like, the. I felt like my thinking slowed down a little bit after that car accident. [00:28:51] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah, it did. And you were having, like the worst periods of your life. [00:28:55] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, that too. [00:28:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:57] Speaker C: Like I had a month long period. [00:28:59] Speaker B: Yeah, no, you were not. Okay, yeah, like, you were really sick. [00:29:04] Speaker C: Yeah. So finally I went and, like, jury duty just seemed so interesting at the time. And I didn't really say no, you know, and so I was able to get jury duty. And they. It was really shitty. It was like a child endangerment case. And like, they. You could tell they did it because they didn't think that they could sell, like, the full child abuse. So, like, the mother went away to go to like a birthday party or something of her family. And while she was gone, one of the younger kids had an accident all over the house and had diarrhea. And the father, like, used. Had. They had like a shower ahead, and they think he used it. Like he had third degree burns from it. It was really sad. And like, so they were saying that the father did it on purpose. And the defense was trying to sell the fact that, like, he went and let himself in the bath like that, you know, and it was just the. His story changed. [00:30:33] Speaker B: Of course it did. [00:30:34] Speaker A: See, I didn't get that far. Like, I. I had a really old, you know, disabled black woman that apparently beat somebody up and tried to break into, like, a building to keep beating them up. I'm like, if she was over the. Like that old woman, like the. On a walker with oxygen was, you know, beating down your door to, like, beat you up. You deserved it. Like, I'm looking at her, I'm like, yeah, whatever. You know, let that old lady go. [00:31:12] Speaker B: Okay, Both of y'all have jury. Have had jury duty. And I. And I never have. [00:31:19] Speaker C: Yeah, Alex, I wouldn't trust you to do jury duty. [00:31:22] Speaker B: Oh, no, I would be dreadful. [00:31:24] Speaker A: I mean, you. You can go and blow it, like, really quick. You can just be like, you know, I feel like the government is impeding on my rights. [00:31:36] Speaker B: I'd just be like, I'm autistic. Don't trust me. [00:31:40] Speaker C: Yeah, I felt so bad. The kid ended up being life flighted, like, to another hospital. And what cinched it for me, like, quite honestly, if the mother was on trial, we might have found her guilty of the same thing. Yeah, because she came home and they waited. Like they waited. I understand. So they waited to take him to the hospital. [00:32:02] Speaker B: Why? [00:32:04] Speaker C: So they were. He was supposed to go pick up his cousin, but I think he was freaking the out before he picked up the cousin to watch the other two kids that were there. [00:32:16] Speaker A: Well, I mean, if, if she had a daughter, the, you know, the daughter would be in there, you know, all over the floor, being in the third degree water back. Hotter. I need the water hot. Yeah, hotter. This is. I see goosebumps. Like every woman, like they, they can be in like a volcano and just be like, eh, I've had better hot springs. [00:32:38] Speaker B: True. [00:32:40] Speaker A: Like my wife is like, the water isn't hot enough. [00:32:43] Speaker B: The water wasn't hot enough. I can't help it. It was on high with absolutely no cold water and it was not hot enough. [00:32:49] Speaker A: It's scalding the shit out of me. And I'm like, I hate this. [00:32:54] Speaker B: I need hot water. Otherwise, like, I get to the point where like, water's like so hot it feels cold again. And so I have to get more even before it feels hot. [00:33:03] Speaker A: You get it to 100 and it flips back over to zero. [00:33:06] Speaker B: Exactly. And so I need to get back up to like 110 then. Although my last shower was really hot, so clearly you fixed it, so thank you. [00:33:15] Speaker A: I didn't do anything. But yeah, I still need to fucking drain the hot water heater and get rid of the sediment. It's fine. [00:33:23] Speaker B: All I care about is I need that water hot enough to feel like my skin's being burned. [00:33:30] Speaker C: Yeah, you're so weird. [00:33:31] Speaker B: I need pain in order to feel heat. [00:33:36] Speaker C: You're so weird. [00:33:38] Speaker A: But I have come up, you know, hard left turn. I have come up with a brilliant idea and this will make me no money. And that's the whole point of it. But it is a GoFundMe so everyone can put in for someone's gift. Like if someone wants something expensive, like I want a Rolex or, you know, I want, you know, to get a new car. You know, a bunch of people can be like, you know, hey, I'm gonna put $10 towards your gift, you know, and it's like a GoFundMe for a good Christmas present. [00:34:16] Speaker B: Oh my God. Remember when I told you, like, I was like at like Safeway, and I was walking by one of the cars, and one of the cars said, need food, clothes and toys, whatever. And it was like a fucking really like, expensive, shiny car. And like for a second I was like, you Know, and, like, she listed all the things and then she had her gofundme at the bottom. And so for a second, I was like, you know, on my back window, I could write, need jewelry, Jewelry, whatever, other expensive stuff, and then list my gofundme at the bottom. And, babe, if you saw gofundme for something. Bullshit. And saw gofundme for something honest, like, which one would you go for? [00:34:54] Speaker A: There was a dude back in Placerville that, you know, would just be like, yeah, give me money. I'm gonna spend on alcohol and drugs. And he got money, like, all the time. Like, pretty much, like the same extent that that dude that played violin outside of Walmart got money. Like, he. Like, the guy that played violin never had a sign. You know, he just was out there playing violin. And, like, we would walk and we'd drive by sometimes and just be like, you know, hand him a fucking, you know, joint. Like, yo, here you go. Here's some weed, dude. [00:35:35] Speaker B: That's great. [00:35:37] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, we didn't have money. [00:35:38] Speaker B: Okay. Free drugs is way better than money. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:35:43] Speaker A: Like, he never asked for anything. Never bothered anybody, ever. [00:35:47] Speaker B: Free joint. Hell yeah. [00:35:49] Speaker A: Yeah. It's like, yo, here's some weed, dude. And he took it like. Like, there's also Shirtless Randy over in P Ville as well. He was up by, like, the Taco Bell. [00:36:05] Speaker B: Give me a second. [00:36:07] Speaker A: I mean, I. I don't think you ever, like, interacted with them. [00:36:11] Speaker B: Okay. [00:36:13] Speaker A: But it's heading over towards, like, Pollock Pines and. Oh, God, yeah, towards that area. But there's like, a Taco Bell. And this dude just stood there shirtless every day. Like. Like, I. He was obviously, like, didn't have a job, but never asked anybody for anything. Didn't have a sign, nothing. Just stood there without a shirt on. You know, leathery as. And, you know, like, there was a gym there, and me and Ben used to go to this gym. And, you know, I'm seeing Shirtless Randy out there. I'm like, we don't know if you. [00:36:54] Speaker B: Guys knew Ben back in P ville. [00:36:56] Speaker A: Yeah, of course. [00:36:57] Speaker B: Okay. [00:36:57] Speaker C: Yeah. Didn't they live. Didn't you live together? Yeah, yeah. [00:37:01] Speaker A: I've known Ben longer than I've known my wife. [00:37:05] Speaker B: Should I be insulted? [00:37:07] Speaker A: Probably, but okay. Yeah. I mean, like, I'm like, yo, Ben, here's two bucks. See? You know, go see if Shirtless Randy wants two bucks. And he goes out there, offers Shirtless Randy two dollars, and he's like, I don't need that. And he just comes back in with the $2, I. I watched the entire thing happen. He's like, I don't need it. And I'm like, damn. He might be like one of those secret millionaires that just doesn't care anymore. [00:37:37] Speaker B: If wishes were horses. [00:37:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:37:45] Speaker B: You know what? One of the few things I really miss is? Apple Hill and Buena Vista. [00:37:51] Speaker A: No, the only thing I ever wanted from Apple Hill is, like, I think my aunt had, like, this pig that you squeezed it and, like, poo came out its butt. Like, it was like. It was like a stress ball. But, like. Like. Like the little stress ball, it was like poo that came out of its butt. You know, it's like you a little pig, and you squeeze it and, like, poo just poop. And it, like, sucks back in when you release it. And that's the only thing I ever wanted from Apple Hill probably. I can probably get one now. You know, Amazon exists, But it's like, I want it. I look, every time I went to Apple Hill, any of them, I would search for this fucking pig, hunt for it, you know? There's a fucking water balloon yo yos. Those are fucking dope. [00:38:41] Speaker B: Those were so good. And they had the tiny mini kites. [00:38:46] Speaker A: Like, I remember, like, I watched, like, a family, and they had, like, two kids with, like, the water balloon yo yos. [00:38:52] Speaker B: Yes. [00:38:53] Speaker A: And, like, they were walking, you know, back to their car, and the kids are stoked on their fucking water balloon yo yos. And, like, one kid tripped, landed on it, and busted underneath them. And I'm just sitting there, just dying inside. I can't laugh out loud. They're like, you know, 10ft away from me, and I don't want them to feel bad. I don't want them to feel like someone saw that shit. This kid's crying, covered in water from his water balloon, yo yo. And I'm just like, I deserve an award for that for fucking keeping it in and not embarrassing that kid. Like, if I could go back and redo it, I would laugh in his face. [00:39:43] Speaker B: Ha ha. Idiot. [00:39:45] Speaker A: You fucking dropped it. Ah. You. They'll teach you to be careful. [00:39:52] Speaker B: Okay? So my very first real job, like, had to pay taxes job for a while. My mom was working at a Bavarian restaurant in Apple Hill. And for two and a half months, I was a waitress, I think. And then for some reason, I was let go. And my dad told me it was because of my mom, but quite honestly, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. And basically, I was just cleaning tables and washing dishes. And I did that for two and a half months, I got one paycheck, like, paper paycheck that I deposited, and then that was it. And then one day I was just told, you know, one day my mom told me, oh, you don't have to come with me. And that was the end of my job. [00:40:35] Speaker A: Yeah, obviously. Like, they just did it for like a gag. Like, it wasn't like, real. [00:40:40] Speaker B: No, it was a real paycheck. Like, it had like, taxes taken out of by the government and everything. [00:40:47] Speaker A: Interesting. Yeah, I'm sure. Like, they. [00:40:50] Speaker B: I got like $233. I remember because I immediately went out and bought the entire Twilight series and then all of the Aragon series and then all the other books I could buy until I ran out of money. [00:41:04] Speaker A: I was expecting you to be like, seriously, I went out and bought all these little pigs I can buy. [00:41:08] Speaker B: No, I bought the Twilight series because I'm a basic ass. [00:41:14] Speaker C: Don't worry, I have the Twilight. [00:41:17] Speaker B: Oh, my God. I have them too. Mine are just hidden in the closet covered by shame. [00:41:21] Speaker C: But quite honestly, I want, like, the Harry Potter series. Like, I want to get the Harry Potter series. I know. It's like. [00:41:30] Speaker B: Nah, it's fun to be basic sometimes. Like, as creepy as Edward was, I was so here for the third book. Like, that was my favorite. [00:41:40] Speaker A: I mean, if you do some ratios, you know, I. I'm sure he's like a pedophile. [00:41:46] Speaker B: Okay. No, either. You're either team Edward or team Werewolf. What's his face. And I was Team Edward. [00:41:52] Speaker A: I don't know any of their names. [00:41:54] Speaker B: I know you don't. I'm sorry, babe, but you're not in the club. [00:41:59] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, I had an ex girlfriend that was like, hardcore in Twilight. And I'm like, I. I don't care. [00:42:04] Speaker B: You're married to a wife who was hardcore into Twilight. [00:42:07] Speaker A: Oh, no, not. Not as much as this one was. She was a nutty. [00:42:13] Speaker B: And I'm like, so what am I? [00:42:15] Speaker A: It's still a nutty. [00:42:17] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:42:18] Speaker A: Don't get it twisted yet. [00:42:19] Speaker B: No, I'm sassy now. [00:42:21] Speaker A: Crazy. I mean, like, like, like I. I enjoy guns. Like that. That's like what I enjoy. I enjoy guns, you know, things that are loud like that. That's what men enjoy. [00:42:36] Speaker B: Your boomstick. [00:42:39] Speaker A: I mean, I have multiple of them. [00:42:41] Speaker B: Yeah, even the one you hid from yourself on accident? [00:42:46] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, like, I, I mounted it behind my door and I'm like. [00:42:49] Speaker B: And then he couldn't find it. [00:42:51] Speaker A: Like, where the is that gun? I mean, like, that's a good problem. To have where you have so many guns you don't notice when one is missing. [00:43:01] Speaker C: You should, because then you don't want to be responsible for anyone else's bullshit. [00:43:07] Speaker A: Well, no one else comes here, so. [00:43:09] Speaker C: But you never know. You guys would probably never notice. [00:43:15] Speaker B: I mean, I wouldn't for sure. I don't even know how many guns you have, babe. Like 15. [00:43:21] Speaker A: Well, I have a few. Don't worry about it. You don't need to start counting them. [00:43:24] Speaker B: Okay, if you implies more than three, but less than seven. Do you have less than seven guns? [00:43:29] Speaker A: No, I have more than seven. [00:43:31] Speaker B: Then you have 10 or 15 after seven. I don't care. Few to several to surplus. Surplus implies everything. [00:43:42] Speaker A: One here. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. [00:43:48] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm more than 7, so more than several. [00:43:52] Speaker A: I. I don't have enough. How's that? [00:43:55] Speaker B: That's a. Everyone never has enough. I do not have enough fish. I don't have enough cats. I don't have enough ice cream. Like, and by ice cream, I mean drumsticks. Like, never enough is like the one that got away from Jeremy Wade with a giant fucking stingray. [00:44:13] Speaker A: But like, I, like, anytime, like, I meet like an old dude that, you know, has like a collection of guns, you know, I see if I can talk him into like selling me some of his guns for a good price. [00:44:27] Speaker B: Like, how mercurical of you. I know I said that word wrong, but it did my best. [00:44:35] Speaker A: Serendipitous. [00:44:37] Speaker B: I'm sucking on, though. It starts with an M C, but doesn't sound like mercenary. [00:44:43] Speaker A: But. Yeah, I mean, I, I, I, I. Anytime I can find a good deal on a gun, I snatch it the on up. [00:44:52] Speaker C: Oh my. [00:44:55] Speaker A: I mean, like my, my next purchase, you know, is gonna be a while away, but it's probably gonna be like a revolver or something stupid. [00:45:13] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:45:16] Speaker A: But let's get into some news stories. Let's see how much time we have. 15 minutes. All right, let's, you know, rapid fire these news stories. Good news, everybody. The murder hornets that everyone was so afraid of, Gone from the United States. We no longer have them. We killed them all. [00:45:35] Speaker B: Ah, sweet. [00:45:37] Speaker A: I mean, if they were bees, like, I'd be like, no, but, you know, okay, you can be done killing bees. [00:45:44] Speaker B: Yeah. No, be slayers. [00:45:46] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, I guess, like, they are just big bees that people were afraid of. And yes, I understand that people are allergic to them. I have friends that are afraid of butterflies. So, yeah, we no longer have any giant murder hornets. [00:46:03] Speaker B: Oh, thank God. [00:46:04] Speaker A: That will like, take away your. You know wiener dog. [00:46:07] Speaker B: Oh, thank God. I hate it when we can defeat invasive CGS. [00:46:12] Speaker A: Story 2. California has a state of emergency over the bird flu that is now in cows. [00:46:19] Speaker B: So anodic. [00:46:23] Speaker A: And I guess the fucking H1N1 was, like, a bad thing. [00:46:28] Speaker B: Yep. [00:46:30] Speaker A: I don't know anyone that's died of it. [00:46:32] Speaker B: You're not gonna die from the bird flu, but cows definitely. [00:46:36] Speaker A: There's been no recorded cases of person to person spread in bird flu in California or anywhere else. [00:46:41] Speaker B: Yep. That's why it's called bird flu. [00:46:44] Speaker A: The CDC has a recorded total of 61 human cases of bird flu across 16 states so far weak. With more than half of those cases, 34 being in California. So I guess be scared of milk. There is a US Animal lab which monkeys escaped and they were accused of abusing the animals in South Carolina, which, like, I don't know how you abuse a monkey. Like, monkeys terrify me, honestly. Like, there are, you know, multiple stories of where people, like, take a chimp and, like, they're like, oh, it's so cool. [00:47:31] Speaker B: Is Peeta involved in this? [00:47:33] Speaker A: I doubt it. [00:47:34] Speaker B: Because if Peter's involved, then it's a fucking lie. [00:47:38] Speaker A: The complaint to the USDA from PETA for the Ethical Treatment of animals includes a 720 page is of evidence. [00:47:46] Speaker B: PETA is okay. [00:47:48] Speaker A: So maybe the monkeys were not, like. Maybe they, like, called them the N word or something. You know, that. That sucks. [00:47:55] Speaker B: That was not funny. [00:47:57] Speaker A: It's pretty funny. [00:47:58] Speaker B: It was not funny. [00:47:59] Speaker A: It was maybe. Maybe like, the police, like, you know, hit them a couple times. Pregnant woman in Kentucky cited for street camping while in labor. So she's, like, sitting on the fucking. She is definitely fucking homeless. And she was, you know, being a, you know, homeless lady, but she was in labor. And, like, the police were like, hey, here's a fucking ticket. And in the video, like, the police officer is like, hey, here's your ticket. She immediately crumples it up and throws it on the ground. And then she has a baby later that day. [00:48:34] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:48:35] Speaker B: Labor is awful. [00:48:38] Speaker A: I mean, for her. [00:48:39] Speaker B: For her, I mean, like, that is unimaginable pain. Like, I just can't. [00:48:44] Speaker A: I mean, she was, like, walking around in labor, so she's a bad bitch. And walking helps. [00:48:49] Speaker B: You don't like it, but it helps. [00:48:52] Speaker A: But, yeah, her water is broken. And, you know, yeah, she got a fucking ticket and then she got taken and. But, yeah, it's like, don't ban street camping, especially if you're not bothering anybody. [00:49:06] Speaker B: Yeah, like, if they're not bothering Anybody, I'm fine with them. But. [00:49:09] Speaker C: Yeah, but then like that's like gonna be all over the place. That's why they banned it. [00:49:14] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean if you're loitering in front of a business, ban that. But if you want to be, you know, kind of like on the outskirts of the city or like underneath an overpass or something like that and fucking, you know, be down there, whatever, who cares? [00:49:28] Speaker B: Where the else are they supposed to go? [00:49:30] Speaker C: Is like that's still like a fire hazard. Like that's how one of our fires started here is because of an encampment. Like, and they were saying that people were getting complaints about it too and like the fire hazards and stuff and then everything burned down, so. [00:49:49] Speaker A: Damn, that sucks. Yeah, yeah, but still, I mean, you know, either kill the homeless people or let them be homeless, you know. But ne. Next story. A man detained in Dubai over Google review is now home for Christmas, I guess. He was accused of slander and face potential jail time under the UAE's strict cybercrime laws. [00:50:25] Speaker B: Okay. California is just a step below Dubai. Like once they separate, they will be Dubai esque. So. [00:50:33] Speaker A: But yeah, he. [00:50:34] Speaker B: We're just looking at the future. [00:50:35] Speaker A: He's from Ireland and you know, he went back home to Dublin and. Yeah, I mean like, wait till you get home to like, like Dubai. So. Yeah, good, I'm glad you're home. Another white dude. You know, drink some. [00:50:58] Speaker B: No one gives a. In Dubai. [00:51:01] Speaker A: Drink some. [00:51:02] Speaker B: All the Instagram is like all the creme de la creme so everyone assumes you're fine. [00:51:07] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, honestly just. It's all lies, you know, don't do any dumb with these countries that don't play while you're in them. [00:51:14] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:51:15] Speaker A: Party City is going out of business. So if you want to go get some balloons, go get some balloons, go get some fucking cool shit from Party City. They are going to be gone. [00:51:26] Speaker B: I can't believe it. So you know, like, I honestly like, I'm not surprised I guess, but it's like kids are us all over again. [00:51:37] Speaker A: Next story. Florida man in trouble for shooting a Walmart drone with a 9 millimeter handgun. Yeah. So a Florida man has been ordered to pay $5,000 to Walmart. [00:51:50] Speaker B: Holy. [00:51:50] Speaker A: After shooting one of the retail's giant drones that he thought was spying on him. The marksman turned out to be 72 year old Dennis Wynn. [00:52:02] Speaker B: Of course it's an old white man. [00:52:04] Speaker A: When police showed up at his house, according to the affidavit for his arrest, when explained himself said he was outside Fixing a pool pump when he heard the drone overhead. Apparently he had had past experiences with drones flying over his house and believe that they are surveilling him. Retrieved his 9 millimeter pistol from his gun safe and opened fire on the aerial intruder as one does in an area where, according to cops, the kids were outside playing. He was charged with one count of shooting, shooting or throwing deadly missiles into dwellings, vessels or vehicles, One count of criminal mischief causing a thousand dollars or more, and one count of discharging a firearm in a public or on residential property. So, yeah, he's probably gonna get on that. Yeah, stupid ass old white man. But like, these are the types of guys that I'm like, hey, you want to sell me all your guns before you lose them all? You know, either the police is going to take them all from you, or you can sell them to me, you know, for a discount. [00:53:10] Speaker B: So I'll have to go through a dealer. [00:53:13] Speaker A: Yeah, you still have to fucking go, you know, into an FFL and, you know, transfer them legally. Okay, not a problem. I have no problem paying for it. I have no problem, you know, doing the transfer, paying the $25. Cool. You know, but if, you know, I can go to this guy and beg, hey, dude, I'll fucking pay you, you know, a thousand dollars for all your guns or you just lose them all. [00:53:40] Speaker B: He's still going to jail though, right? No matter how much money you pay him. [00:53:44] Speaker A: I mean, he's probably gonna get a fine, but, I mean, you never know. The Bible has been removed from Texas school district due to law banning sexually explicit content. [00:53:56] Speaker B: Wait, what? What? Texas? Just Texas itself. [00:54:03] Speaker A: Yeah. A school district. [00:54:06] Speaker B: Whoa. [00:54:07] Speaker A: You know, the Bible had removed be removed from school libraries because of the new state law prohibiting explicit books. [00:54:15] Speaker B: This is amazing. [00:54:18] Speaker A: I mean, it is pretty goddamn explicit with rape, incest and all kinds of different. [00:54:23] Speaker B: Yeah. Every way to being a woman possible. [00:54:29] Speaker A: Noting that there's 30 title titles available in the library of Canyon Junior High that are bible stories or portions of the Bible, you know, so, yeah, I mean, you can still get a bible and bring it in the school. The school just can't carry it. [00:54:45] Speaker B: That's amazing. [00:54:47] Speaker A: Next story. Flat earther admits he was wrong after traveling 9,000 miles to Antarctica to test his beliefs. What? [00:54:56] Speaker B: Jiren Campanella king over here. [00:55:04] Speaker A: To witness a 24 hour sun. A phenomenon that would be impossible if the earth was flat. So, yeah, he. He just went to. Jiren Campanella traveled to the southernmost continent to win this. A 24 hour sun. [00:55:20] Speaker B: This is amazing. This is what Fucking science is you have a theory, you gotta prove it, that it's proven wrong, but you accept the wrongness as truth. And then you change your way how you feel you view it like this is what fucking science is. You make an experiment, the experiment is either yes or no. And then you accept that and you move on as an adult. This is amazing. I'm so proud of this person. Like he did it. Props. [00:55:50] Speaker A: I like them. [00:55:51] Speaker B: Science is real. [00:55:52] Speaker A: Now now on to Am I the by dreaming Blondie Am I the for ruining my boyfriend's dinner because I didn't accepted to pay for everyone? I, 20, female, have been dating my boyfriend Ryan, 21, male, for about a year. For his birthday this year, I wanted to do something special. So I told him I'd take him out to a nice dinner, just the two of us, and I'd cover the bill. He was super excited and agreed. So I made a reservation at a nice restaurant, put on a nice dress and was excited to see his reaction. When I got there, I was surprised to see that Ryan had invited his best friend, who also arrived with his girlfriend. He hadn't mentioned anything about them coming. I was caught off guard, but, you know, thought, why not have a nice couple's dinner? The whole time, his best friend and his girlfriend ordered a ton of appetizers and multiple drinks each. I started panicking a little because I realized this bill was going to be way more than I planned for. Towards the end, Ryan leaned over and said, don't forget that you said you'd cover it. I told him I agreed to pay for his dinner because of his birthday and not for another couple that I didn't even know was coming. He said it's rude to invite people and not pay for them. At this point, I thought. I already thought, what the fuck is wrong with you? And I told him it's ruder and invite people to a dinner that someone else is paying for without telling them first. [00:57:29] Speaker B: Yes. [00:57:30] Speaker A: I already had the feeling to explode out of anger and I just went quiet and waited for the waiter to finally pay. When the check came, I paid for my meal and I told his buddy that he should cover the bill for himself and his girlfriend. Both looked at me as though I'd insulted them in some way, saying I embarrassed them in front of the server. In addition, Ryan called me cheap and said I even ruined his birthday. With all this happening last Saturday, he has been giving me the cold shoulder and just answered my messages with insulting me for embarrassing him in front of his friend. Now I'm thinking about breaking up because he is not talking to me since one week. Even though I wanted to apologize, maybe some break up with him. [00:58:20] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Drop the dead weight. [00:58:23] Speaker C: Exactly. [00:58:24] Speaker B: That is so mean. And Op, your boyfriend's at Gold Digger. I'm sorry. [00:58:31] Speaker A: I mean, you know, she is 20 and he is 21. [00:58:34] Speaker B: She's 20. She's making absolutely no money and barely making her bills paid if not dividing and pushing him out to the next paycheck. What the fuck? She can't afford that. She made it clear what she could afford now, was it his friends are dicks. He's a dick. Fuck all this. I'm sorry, Op. You do not deserve extra love for him. [00:58:57] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, you've only dated for a year. You know, thank God, move on. Sucks. [00:59:04] Speaker B: Dumping is so much easier than when it's a fiance. So dump him now. [00:59:09] Speaker A: Yeah. Like it. [00:59:10] Speaker B: You know, don't wait for more pain and humiliation. [00:59:14] Speaker A: Here's what you do. I, I, I have a brilliant idea. [00:59:18] Speaker B: Go for it. [00:59:19] Speaker A: So Christmas is right around the corner, right? Don't make any rash decisions. Wait till Christmas hits. He'll get you something nice. And then get him like a box that has like an envelope in it and it says, I'm breaking up with you. That's his gift, you know, and it's like, I'm taking my gift and going home and you're getting dumped for Christmas. Enjoy, you know, and just break up with him on Christmas and then, you know, find a new guy, you know, you know, New Year, new you. Congratulations, dreaming blondie. That's what you should do, you know, take his Christmas gift if he even gets you one, you know? Yeah. Break up with them. You're young. And find a new guy. You know, fucking dudes nowadays are kind of shitty. Like, I feel bad for, you know, people that are in the dating scene right now. I'm like, oh, man, like, like, I got lucky. [01:00:25] Speaker B: But thank you. [01:00:30] Speaker A: Oh, I know. It's very cute. Now for relationship Advice by Feeling Care 2877. My boyfriend, 28 male, got me a huge surprise that I, 23 female, think ruined my Christmas. We've been together for three years, but this is the first time that we are financially stable enough to actually get a Christmas tree, a good haul of gifts, and decorate our apartment. This has always been my favorite time of year as a kid. I grew up in kind of an abusive family where I was forced to be an adult at a young age and take care of my siblings while my parents constantly work, worked, broke up, and threw each other out, but just everyone seemed happily happy around the holidays. We both live across the country from our families and see them a few times a year or for a week or so at a time. We budgeted enough to splurge a little this year and we both started good jobs at the start of the year that gave us both bonuses together. Our bonuses are combined 1500 dollars. We agree that there would be a firm budget for Christmas gifts split evenly. I know it seems like a lot, but several things have gone without blah blah blah blah. We both prepared a list of clothes, shoes, cologne, perfume, things for apartment like a rice cooker, new bedding and some items for our dog. In total I bought everything on the list and I told him several times. I was so excited for our first first real Christmas together. Emphasis on our Christmas. I told him over and over again how extremely romantic and intimate I thought it was going to be in my head. We'd have a low key Christmas stand, cook a big meal, mess around in bed for most of the day, play video games or something. I feel like I communicated this clearly and we both agreed. I know for sure. We talked about it and he never seemed to contest or ask for anything else. We spent the entire month of November talking about our mutual excitement, seeking out activities for us to do, dates, board games, blah blah blah. I don't know what came over him last night, but he decided to tell me that my Chris tell me my Christmas gift early. He spent a large portion of our gift budget on a plane ticket for my kid sister, orchestrated and planned with my parents to send her to our apartment to spend Christmas with us. And when my and got my sister some gifts to open up on Christmas morning so she wouldn't feel left out. He spent a whole week planning for him, me and my sister all of our date ideas, but he included her we'll go out and see Christmas movies and Christmas lights with my sister. He got me one of the one to three items off my list, but none of the items were things I needed. That is Warm clothes, shoes, bra, winter coat, cosmetics. We both made a lot of sacrifices this year while we struggled together. While I was looking to get some items that helped me, you know, feel again like I was not in survival mode. The gift that my sister is getting a vacation to my apartment. While I explained this to me, I just started crying. I feel so insanely frustrated. I love my sister, we are very close, but it's because I feel more like a parent to her. When I moved away and met my boyfriend, I had some independence from this, but now it is something I was really looking forward to. You know, something I was really looking forward to has turned into a babysitting experience while I'm in charge of my sister giving her a child's Christmas experience. I'm upset that my boyfriend doesn't know me well enough to know that this is actually one of the worst things he could do for me. He knows how much I hate surprises and grand gestures. I told him he really ruined my Christmas, and it's something that can't be undone without upsetting my sister, who I feel responsible for. My boyfriend is telling me that I'm ungrateful and that I. That he has tried his best to be thoughtful, but I can't shake the feeling that this was one of the last things from thoughtful. Can someone please offer some insight? So to break it all down, you know, this girl has been dating this guy for three years now, and, you know, the boyfriend thought it'd be a great idea, you know, to, you know, invite her sister to come out and stay, you know, for a bit, you know, over, like, the Christmas break, you know, and reconnect with family. But, you know, op here had to raise her sister and be a parent in an abusive household, and she wanted independence and just have, you know, just a, you know, romantic Christmas. And now the boyfriend has ruined all of that by inviting the sister and, you know, spending the money that was gonna go towards gifts for her, towards this plane ticket. [01:05:58] Speaker C: I'd be pissed, quite honestly. That's really shitty. You're basically making them a host without asking. Yeah, like, if it was for. It's for, like, the whole freaking week too. So it's, like, stupid. And now she doesn't get anything that she actually needs. That's stupid. As. [01:06:30] Speaker A: I, I, I love this comment from Pom Pom Grenade. Oh, see, you were parentified as a kid and moved far away to escape. Cool, cool. Have some more of that for Christmas. I agree with returning his gift so you can buy your necessities. You know, that, that, that's a great way to do it. You know, return his shit. You know, go buy the things you need. Go buy your bras, go buy, you know, your makeup, whatever the fuck you want. Boom. Easy. [01:07:02] Speaker C: Actually, I was thinking that too, she should return a. That she got because that's up. [01:07:18] Speaker A: Yeah, time. Time to start returning all the gifts. You bought them so you can afford underwear. Merry Christmas to your sister, I guess. [01:07:26] Speaker C: Yeah. Jeez. [01:07:31] Speaker A: See, what, what you do, Op, is buy yourself a plane trip to go you know, somewhere else and just say, oh, yeah, no, I, I'm going somewhere else. You're gonna have to babysit my sister for a week. [01:07:43] Speaker C: Now, I would never do that, especially because she's underage. Right. [01:07:50] Speaker A: I, I, I'm sure. [01:07:51] Speaker C: Sounds like. [01:07:55] Speaker A: Like it, if it's to. [01:07:57] Speaker C: That point, it should be like, she needs to go, she needs to not come. [01:08:03] Speaker A: I mean, like, you know, op is 23, so I like, if I'm to guess, probably like, you know, somewhere between 10 and, you know, 16. For the little sister. [01:08:20] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:08:24] Speaker A: But yeah, everyone's saying op, return the gifts you bought him and spend the money on your needs. He doesn't seem to care about what you communicated about what you wanted. I mean, like, I, I, I see where the boyfriend is coming from. I, I do, I, I understand that. Like, oh, you, you know, maybe you want to have your family here, here's a grand gesture. What I think, you know, would be a great time, you know, oh, you haven't seen your sister in years. Okay, let's just bring her back into the fold. You know, that way you can come see her. But, you know, guys are dense, okay? OP men just in general are fucking dense. You know, he didn't buy like a plane trip for you to go see your family. Like, that would be too dense for a dude, but, you know, he did do this, so I'm sorry that, that sucks. [01:09:32] Speaker C: Definitely return the. [01:09:38] Speaker A: Yeah, like, here's what you do. You return all the stuff and then, you know, spend, you know, necessities for you and then get the rest, you know, presents for your little sister. So she gets like the best fucking Christmas ever. And then everyone else can, like, for. [01:09:59] Speaker B: The little sister, it sounds like escape. [01:10:03] Speaker A: Yeah. So, you know, do everything you can to, you know, make little sister very happy. So, you know, make the best out of a bad situation and, yeah, go from there. [01:10:20] Speaker B: Escape is nice and cushy. Please don't hurt her. [01:10:27] Speaker A: But that, that's going to be it for this week. That, that's going to be all I got. Um, we will be back next week after Christmas, so we'll see you all then, I guess, you know, for the, yeah, see ya. For the New Year's episode. Bye.

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