AI Employees

Episode 4 January 27, 2025 01:09:02
AI Employees
The Human Podcast
AI Employees

Jan 27 2025 | 01:09:02


Hosted By

Alex The Truck

Show Notes

[Explicit Language][Sexual Content]

Another week and we cover some news and talk about ICE

[email protected] . 


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Alrighty. Alrighty, everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the Human podcast. This week, I am awake. Doesn't mean I'm gonna be better. It just means I'm awake. But I am Alex Truck. I'm your host. We got my wife here, not the truck. [00:00:18] Speaker B: Hello. [00:00:18] Speaker A: And then we got Courtney, who is currently getting high. [00:00:22] Speaker C: Yep. So I got high, guys. [00:00:26] Speaker A: I mean, that's par for the course. She always gets high. That's fine. [00:00:32] Speaker C: Yeah, I know sometimes I'm not. And I feel so bad because I'm not as talkative. [00:00:38] Speaker A: Like, I'm not high today. Like. Like, sometimes I hate, like, when people get too goddamn high and you'll try and have a conversation with them and they'll forget what you said. Like a goldfish. Like, you be like. And I was talking to my sister. Wait, you have a sister? Yeah, I just had a half an hour conversation about my sister. [00:01:05] Speaker B: Oh, have you ever had this struggle with me? [00:01:11] Speaker A: No, you don't get that high. [00:01:13] Speaker B: No, I'm just good at covering it up when I forget mid sentence. Although that happens to me a lot ever since I got put on my lyrica, though. [00:01:21] Speaker A: Oh, no. Like, there. There's people that, you know, like, they get so high. I hate the way they laugh. You know what I mean? No, so, like, there's people that will laugh in slow motion, and I hate it. Like, oh, no. Like, they'll be like, ha, ha, ha, ha. I'm gonna, like, laugh faster. Just laugh faster, dude. Just ha, ha, ha. Like, like that. It's simple. [00:01:58] Speaker B: Okay, well, no, sometimes I know I'm not gonna laugh fast enough. And so, like, that's what I'll do. The kind of, like, I'll do it, like, silently or I, like, cover, like, my, like, face, but, like, smelling really big. It's because I know I'm not gonna be able to laugh very fast, but it is funny and I do respond, but I'm not going to be able to laugh. Like, it takes a lot of energy for me for me to make that noise. And sometimes it takes it. [00:02:20] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, like, you know, you can be a tee. You know, like, that's good enough. But, you know, where they're so fucking stoned that, you know, everything slows down. [00:02:34] Speaker B: So, like, the sloth. [00:02:37] Speaker A: Yeah, like the sloth and zootopia. [00:02:39] Speaker B: Thank you. That's all the words I gave you. Thank you. [00:02:42] Speaker A: Like, like, like, like imagine him laughing. [00:02:45] Speaker B: Wait, didn't I just do that? [00:02:47] Speaker A: No, you laugh fine. [00:02:49] Speaker B: I laughed fine. [00:02:49] Speaker A: You laugh fine. Like, no, I'm talking about ha, ha, Ha. Like, they have to put effort into laughing. Yeah. And there's like a level. It's like, dude, you've smoked. And like, those are the people that I'm like, oh, you're the worst. But then again, like, I've met teachers that smoke weed. I met professionals that smoke weed. [00:03:22] Speaker B: Everyone smokes weed. [00:03:23] Speaker A: I don't. [00:03:25] Speaker B: Okay, you have. [00:03:26] Speaker C: Well, that's because you get drugs test. [00:03:28] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, I haven't gotten drug tested in a while. Like, my med card that I get for driving trucks, like, they, you know, sit there and like, this is not a drug test. I'm like, make it a drug test. I don't care. You know, bring it. Like, they don't even make me empty my pockets. I'm like, yummy. Empty my pockets. Like, why do you have extra pee in there? Like, you're not a criminal. My guy. Like, oh. [00:04:02] Speaker B: So the first time, like, we ever had like, a drug tester, like, come to work, I did not understand the situation. Like, I just knew. Like, okay. Cuz I don't. I sometimes don't. I didn't understand this is even the thing. But, like, I kind of just noticed that like, all of a sudden all my co workers, like, left and they had to go do a thing in the break room. And then some random lady came up to me and she was like, okay, I'm here to drug test you. And I'm like, okay. She's like, I need you to pee. And I'm like, I literally just peed. Like, I cannot pee. I literally peed like three minutes ago. And so I'm like, this lady is so fucking weird. I don't understand. And she was like, following me around the clinic and I'm like, I'm trying to do my job. And she, like, she had to basically speak to me like I was a child before I figured out what was going on. But then I still couldn't pee. I. My body hadn't made enough pee yet. So I was stuck in the break room for like half an hour while all of us were waiting for me to pee. And it was dreadful. And then of course, because of the brain meds I'm on, I tested positive for a bunch of stuff. And like, apparently, like, the chick told my boss. She was like, yeah, I think she's trying. I think she's trying to, like, fake the test. Like, she's trying to fake it. [00:05:14] Speaker A: What's hilarious is if you didn't sign off on her giving that information, she's breaking HIPAA laws and she's opening herself up to a fat and massive lawsuit. [00:05:26] Speaker B: All I know is that afterwards all of us came pos like they were trying to fire one co worker forget for like, for like doing marijuana. But then the entire clinic tested positive for marijuana and that was it. We didn't hear anything after. After that. [00:05:43] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean like, I'm sure like entire fucking chops have gotten fucking, you know, chopped for, you know, everyone being high and like it's like, yeah, you know, just like make weed legal. Like, make it to where? You know, even if it was, and I live in Colorado, so it, it's mostly legal here, I probably wouldn't smoke weed, but like, just like, yeah, nah, I don't need it. Yeah, like I'm like one of those weirdos that like I can go the rest. [00:06:21] Speaker B: Why would you say you don't need it now that you don't want to? [00:06:26] Speaker A: Like, I, I don't, I don't need to, you know, have marijuana in my system. Like, like there's a lot of people, like I need marijuana to function. Like there's people that smoke and like I need, you know, cigarettes to function. I need alcohol to function. I just, I don't need weed. I don't need any drugs really, you know. Ibuprofen? Yeah. Holy, do I need ibuprofen. I need a lot of it, but you know, everything else, nah. Oh, and melatonin and caffeine. Like that's my drugs. Melatonin, caffeine, ibuprofen. [00:07:10] Speaker B: My God, not having access to caffeine in my world is absolutely dreadful. [00:07:16] Speaker A: I mean, I drive like. And like the dumb thing that we just implemented in my company is like now we have AI that like monitors us while we drive. Like if you rub your eyes and swerve around the road, you know it's going to tell you to pull over and get some sleep. [00:07:36] Speaker B: Wait, what? [00:07:38] Speaker A: Yeah, so we have a, like we have a camera that watches us in our trucks. Yes, that's fine. I don't care. It does not record audio at all. I know this cuz I would have been fired years ago. [00:07:49] Speaker B: Oh yeah, you would have. [00:07:52] Speaker A: Like, if they had like a deaf person in there, like they be like, oh my gosh, fire him. He is vile. Do you hear what he's saying? It's like we can't hear what he's saying. Be glad for that. I, I'm going to remove my eyes now. But yeah, we have AI that you know, monitors us to make sure we're not sleepy and that's fine. [00:08:18] Speaker C: Oh wow. [00:08:21] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, I, I, anytime I. [00:08:23] Speaker C: What does it do if it finds. [00:08:24] Speaker A: You'Re sleepy, tells you to pull over? [00:08:27] Speaker B: Are you forced to pull over? [00:08:29] Speaker A: No, but if you're, like, tired, you know, it'll be like, like if I'm following another car too close, it'll be like, back the up. If it detects I'm not wearing a seat belt, if I put on a seat belt. [00:08:48] Speaker B: This AI stuff is a huge cya, isn't it? [00:08:52] Speaker A: Yeah. Great. [00:08:52] Speaker B: Course, this is humongous cya. [00:08:55] Speaker A: Now, my favorite is like, like, the thing it'll tell me all the time is, like, put on a seat belt and I'll like, show the camera my seat belt that's already on. And it has a sensor in the truck to tell if I have my seat belt buckled in. And it's just like, yeah, it's here. I'm just wearing a jacket. And so you can't tell. [00:09:17] Speaker B: I didn't say it was smart. I just said it was a seat. [00:09:19] Speaker A: Yeah, it's a dumb thing. [00:09:21] Speaker B: Am I saying it wrong? [00:09:23] Speaker A: Cya, cover your ass. Okay. But yeah, I mean, I, I see all this dumb, and I guarantee you they're gonna have a hard time getting new people to join in and be like, oh, yeah, you have, you know, AI doing all your go yourself. You know, it's like, this guy was going to be perfect for the job. It's like, yeah, now you can't find anybody because, you know, you don't want to trust people to do their fucking jobs. Now my favorite thing that's going to happen is employers are going to start hiring AI to do computer jobs instead of all these Gen Z kids that are coming out of college. [00:10:08] Speaker C: Online. [00:10:10] Speaker B: Like, the workforce is being completely upended. Like, slowly but sure. We're in the beginning stages of it, and it's going to redefine everything on what humans are truly valuable for at the bottom level of the tier. [00:10:26] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, like, I, I see, like, this news story. A significant portion of employers revealed that they'd rather hire artificial intelligence robots than bring on a Gen Z graduate into the company. And yeah, I mean, a lot of these kids nowadays, what is the AI. [00:10:50] Speaker B: Supposed to be doing? Like, what is what job writing for? [00:10:53] Speaker A: Like, pretty much anything. [00:10:58] Speaker B: Yeah. So an AI, you don't have to. [00:10:59] Speaker A: Fucking pay well, you have to, you know, pay whoever developed the AI and, you know, pay the computer systems and pay the servers. So, yeah, there is a cost with having AI, but no workers comp. [00:11:15] Speaker B: Yeah, no bonuses, no nice perks to have to pay out for. [00:11:20] Speaker A: Yeah, but what happens when no one wants to do business with your company because it's all AI? [00:11:27] Speaker B: All the AI is going to be talking to the other AIs and they're going to become their own stock market. [00:11:33] Speaker A: That'd be hilarious. Like every company is just owned by AI. [00:11:39] Speaker B: Can you disprove that? [00:11:41] Speaker A: I mean, I can't disprove that. We're not in a simulation. [00:11:45] Speaker B: We, we're totally in a simulation. [00:11:47] Speaker A: We could. Yeah, like there's, you know, huge, you know, leanings towards that. We are all in a simulation. That we are. [00:11:56] Speaker B: And I just got stuck with a corrupt ass code. [00:12:00] Speaker A: Yeah, welcome. Welcome to hell. [00:12:05] Speaker B: We're in a simulation. There is no hell. [00:12:10] Speaker A: But yeah, I mean like imagine, you know, someone, you know, being a day trader and then having an AI do all the day trading. [00:12:17] Speaker C: Cool. [00:12:17] Speaker B: I thought AI was already a part of the stock market. [00:12:20] Speaker A: Sure it is. [00:12:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:12:24] Speaker A: Kevin Thompson's a finance expert and founder and CEO of 9i Capital Group told Newsweek it comes down to economics and efficiency. Training an AI to perform a task is much easier and more cost effective than training a human while paying them on a job. [00:12:40] Speaker B: And you only, you only hire an AI once? [00:12:43] Speaker A: Yeah. AI executes tasks exactly as programmed at a fraction of the cost. Many employers see the value of leveraging AI for base basic task management, particularly in support roles and entry level positions. [00:12:58] Speaker B: Like how many people are going to go to the self checkout than to have to be checked out by a human? Like everyone wants to self checkout. It's less social interaction and it's cheaper for the company. [00:13:12] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean now they're, you know, developing technologies to say, hey, I can pick up you know, like an item, you know, like, you know, off the counter and be like cool. And like the counter has like a scale in it and like it has cameras to say, okay, you pick this up and it can track you throughout the store, you know, and I can. [00:13:36] Speaker B: Isn't it how it works with the Whole Foods and Amazon check? [00:13:39] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, the whole Amazon. Like we don't have one here. [00:13:46] Speaker C: How to help you with that? Oh my gosh. Amazon heard you guys. [00:13:53] Speaker A: Like, let me see if automated Amazon store. [00:14:03] Speaker B: Oh, it can't do that at every single Whole Foods. It has to be a special Whole Foods. [00:14:09] Speaker A: Yeah, it's like a. [00:14:13] Speaker C: It'S in airports too. [00:14:15] Speaker A: Amazon. Whole Foods. [00:14:18] Speaker B: Because there's like three Whole Foods in town. [00:14:20] Speaker C: Amazon. [00:14:21] Speaker A: Shut up. I like how you didn't change it to, you know, the name that's close to mine. Like I feel like If I say it, it's going to be like, what? [00:14:39] Speaker B: Wait, you can change the AI's name? [00:14:41] Speaker A: Yes. [00:14:42] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:14:43] Speaker B: So what would you change it? Why haven't you changed it, Gorney? [00:14:47] Speaker C: Because that's the one I chose because it's different from everyone else's. [00:14:52] Speaker A: If you say like, Alexa, then I'll be like, oh, oh, yeah. Like, it's just like giving me, like, the delivery to my doorstep, which is the best, which I. Which I absolutely hate. [00:15:10] Speaker C: Do you like cat tie dye, Alex? [00:15:12] Speaker A: Cat tie dye. [00:15:13] Speaker B: Tie dye made by cats. [00:15:16] Speaker C: Yeah. No fart, no tie. Cat shirt. [00:15:21] Speaker B: You're asking me? Yeah, but I already have a shirt that I wear all the time. Although I can't find it right now. [00:15:28] Speaker C: I'll send you a picture. [00:15:30] Speaker B: Okay. [00:15:32] Speaker C: Oh, my God. Now I have to go pee. [00:15:35] Speaker A: Oh, it's Amazon. Go. Is the name of the store. [00:15:38] Speaker B: Okay, I thought it was just at every Whole Foods. I stand corrected. [00:15:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Like, where? Okay, there. Let's see if there's one close to us. [00:15:59] Speaker B: Wait, there's only four in the U.S. yeah. So is one in California. [00:16:07] Speaker A: There's two in California. [00:16:09] Speaker B: Yep. [00:16:10] Speaker A: LA one's probably burnt to the ground, though. [00:16:14] Speaker C: Oh, my God. I'll be right back, guys. Give me a second. Yes, I might mute you. So. But I'm still here. [00:16:22] Speaker A: Okay. She. She's gonna go pee. [00:16:27] Speaker C: That too. But I also need to check what my grandma's calling me. [00:16:33] Speaker B: Wait, so they just all in California? [00:16:35] Speaker A: So they're in Seattle, Louisiana. One's in New York. [00:16:42] Speaker B: That adds. [00:16:43] Speaker A: Or no, like, a couple in New York, it looks like, like. And then one is in Chicago. [00:16:51] Speaker B: Interesting. [00:16:53] Speaker A: I know there's a bunch in Chicago. Like, they're all like, you know, close to each other. They're walking distance from each other. I hate that. Spread them the out, you know? How dare you just have like, four walking distance from each other in Chicago? Like, I want one. I want. Well, I mean, depends on the price. [00:17:18] Speaker B: Is expensive. [00:17:19] Speaker A: And it's not Whole Foods. It's a convenience store. [00:17:22] Speaker B: Wait, I thought Amazon bought Whole Foods and Whole Foods did this. Clearly, I don't understand at all. [00:17:30] Speaker A: Nope, you don't. That's fine. [00:17:31] Speaker B: It is fine. [00:17:36] Speaker A: So, yeah, I mean, that's how little. [00:17:39] Speaker B: Information is operating on that. I 100 like truth. [00:17:43] Speaker A: Like, I feel like other stores could do this. And I. I think, like, the reason it didn't take off is because they said it was AI and it turns out it's just like a bunch of dudes, like, in India watching. [00:17:59] Speaker B: How do you know that's true. [00:18:03] Speaker A: Because it hasn't expanded. [00:18:08] Speaker B: Like, that is a weak ass argument. [00:18:12] Speaker A: Also, I saw, like, a news story on it. [00:18:14] Speaker B: Sources. [00:18:15] Speaker A: Okay, fine, I'll. I'll find a source. You know, you and Tron are the exact same. [00:18:21] Speaker C: Oh, my. [00:18:22] Speaker B: Okay. Oh, my God, Courtney, these are actually really cute. Oh, my God. [00:18:29] Speaker C: See, I know. I told you. [00:18:31] Speaker A: Oh, here we go. Business Insider. No, I'm not going to allow ads. [00:18:41] Speaker C: I just can't decide on which one I want. But they're so. Yeah. [00:18:48] Speaker B: Wait, so you're not getting the second one? [00:18:51] Speaker C: What second one? [00:18:52] Speaker B: The purple and the black? [00:18:54] Speaker C: No, I'm actually leaning more towards the rainbow or the yellow and orange. [00:19:01] Speaker B: Oh, my God. I like the yellow and orange one the most too. And I hate orange. [00:19:05] Speaker C: I know, right? [00:19:08] Speaker B: Like, when orange looks nicer, the other colors, it's like, yeah, that's like a really nice color, but by itself, it's horrifying and aggressive. [00:19:15] Speaker A: Okay, so, yeah, there's airports, college stores, and cafes. The company claims sensors and cameras and other tools track what the shopper has purchased. But several media outlets have reported there may be more to it, with hundreds of workers in India playing a key role. So, yeah, it's just like, a bunch of people in India watching you shop. Like. Like, how degrading is that? You know, you get to watch fucking entitled Americans go into a store and you just have to track them. [00:19:54] Speaker B: I hope they play the Wii music in the background. [00:19:58] Speaker C: That's so funny. [00:20:04] Speaker A: You know, you get to, like, see someone just buy something stupid and it's like, oh, God damn it. You know, like that. That's. That person just spent, you know, three years of my life savings on, like, a bottle of water. [00:20:18] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:20:20] Speaker A: About 700 of every 1,000 just rock out. Sales had to be reviewed by Amazon's team in India in 2022. [00:20:32] Speaker C: Wait, so did they just review it or did they. [00:20:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm sure they're like, you know, reviewing. Be like, honestly, like, you know, people would find a way to beat the system like that. That's really what it is. And yeah, it's kind of, you know, shitty. I would definitely try and find a way to beat the system. Like the second they, like, put out, you know, self checkout, it's like, oh, cool. It's a place where I pay for some of my items. [00:21:09] Speaker C: They already catch you, though. They have cameras on top of you in front of you. [00:21:14] Speaker A: Well, yeah. [00:21:14] Speaker B: Now, okay, I only stole from it once. And by soul, I only paid for four bell peppers when I actually got six. [00:21:24] Speaker A: Yeah, I Mean, like, they're. [00:21:26] Speaker B: I feel really bad about it. [00:21:27] Speaker A: They're gonna take the extra bell peppers that don't sell and throw them in the garbage. That. That's what happens. [00:21:34] Speaker B: I should have paid for all six. [00:21:35] Speaker A: No, them. I don't. But speaking about businesses, United Healthcare now has a new CEO. Remember Brian Thompson, dude that got shot by Luigi Mangioni? [00:21:52] Speaker B: Was he survived by his son? [00:21:54] Speaker A: No. So, yeah, about, like, two months ago, there is a hero that came and who took over a company. Veteran Tim Noel will take charge of the largest health insurance insurer in the US which has more than 50 million customers. So, yeah, hopefully Tim Noel will, like, hire bodyguards and then get sniped. [00:22:24] Speaker B: Anyway, all that happens is that he snipes bodyguards or. No. [00:22:32] Speaker A: I. I honestly, I would find it hilarious if Donald Trump pardons Luigi. [00:22:40] Speaker C: He's not going to, though. [00:22:42] Speaker A: No, I mean, Trump. [00:22:44] Speaker C: Haven't you noticed how Elon Musk is traveling around with his kid now? [00:22:50] Speaker A: Like, like, Trump pardoned. God. What was his name? The dude that made Silk Road that, you know, darknet website that, like, Old Bridge or something like that? Yeah, Ross Ulbrich. Yeah. Donald Trump, you know, pardoned him, you know, which was great because this dude only made a website on the dark web. Didn't do anything with it. You only made a website and, you know, took bitcoin and, like, they gave him, like, three life sentences and like, 40 extra years and, you know, all kinds of crazy just for making a website. Like, that's up. [00:23:53] Speaker C: Wait, I thought you were able to do anything on the dark web. Like, I thought it. You wouldn't. [00:23:59] Speaker A: It's like, that harder to track. [00:24:03] Speaker C: Like, just being on the dark web is illegal. [00:24:06] Speaker A: No, no, but, like, he made a web. Okay, so Silk Road was a website where you could buy, like, guns and drugs and all kinds of. You can buy. It was like an ebay for drugs. Like, mainly so people can buy, like, heroin and have it shipped to their house through bitcoin. And then, like, he would take a bit of it and, yeah, he has, like, 5 billion Bitcoin that they seized. And Donald Trump just, like, pardoned him. I guarantee you he has more bitcoin hidden somewhere. So. Yeah, I mean, good for Donald Trump for pardoning him. Yeah, I. I do find it kind of interesting that, you know, the second, you know, Donald Trump is like, ah, we're gonna get rid of birthrights. ICE is coming out of the goddamn woodworks to look for illegal people. I'm like, yeah, no, look for criminals. You already have them in jails. And you can just send those people back. That way we're not, you know, housing, you know, Mexican criminals. [00:25:27] Speaker B: And if they send the prisoners away, the prison won't make any money. [00:25:31] Speaker A: Exactly. You know, fill the prison up with white people, you know, white prisoners. [00:25:39] Speaker B: Only white people can post bail. [00:25:42] Speaker A: Yeah. And then they make money through the bail. [00:25:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:25:51] Speaker B: Well, that. That was the extent of my argument. So. [00:25:55] Speaker C: No, that's, like, why a lot of places have monitor, like, repeat offenses and stuff. It's so easy to do, and it just creates a problem where you can go back to jail. Super, super easy for stupid. And that's like, they have people, convicts working at McDonald's in the state and, like, I think it's Louisiana or somewhere. [00:26:24] Speaker A: I mean, I do enjoy when a convict, you know, has their own business and, like, they pull up their bootstraps and, you know, get to fucking work. And I'm like, good. You know, we. That's what we need. We need, you know, people that, you know, fucked up not to return back to crime. Now doing crime is very easy. You can walk up to, you know, some dude in a dark alley, pull a gun out and be like, give me your wallet and your cell phone. And then you walk away. You break their phone, you know, so they can't call 911 and they have to just, like, go home with nothing. You take out, you know, all their cash, you know, run up all their credit cards, and bada bing, bada boom, you're done. [00:27:14] Speaker C: Oh, wow. [00:27:14] Speaker A: And you. You can do this, you know, six times a month, you know, an hour of work, and you paid for your entire month. Then you just have to keep on moving around. People are gonna be dumb, people are gonna be drunk, People are gonna be walking home drunk. Give me your wallet and your cell phone. People don't want to die over their wallet and their cell phone. [00:27:36] Speaker C: I don't know. [00:27:36] Speaker B: I'm pretty attached to mine. [00:27:38] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:39] Speaker B: But, yeah, for sure I would drop it. [00:27:42] Speaker A: Then you just get shot. [00:27:45] Speaker B: I can't say for sure I would drop it. I'm very emotionally okay. If I can't touch, they'll pistol whip. [00:27:50] Speaker A: You over the head and take your wallet and cell phone anyway. [00:27:53] Speaker B: Okay. No. One time I went to work and I left my. And I left my phone at home, and it was the most awful 10 hours of my life. It hurt. And I was so alone and sad. Like, I missed it so much. [00:28:05] Speaker A: The amount of times I have forgotten my phone at home and just brought my work truck here, like my CDL truck to the house. To go in and get my phone. It's been crazy. [00:28:18] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:28:19] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:28:19] Speaker A: I mean, like, well, I need my phone to listen to music and listen to podcasts. [00:28:23] Speaker B: You need your phone, right? You need it. [00:28:26] Speaker A: Well, you have to be focused on cats. [00:28:28] Speaker B: Well, no, I use it at work. Like, I'm using it as a calculator. Like, I'm constantly using it for, like, searching for, like, VPN for, like, information and stuff. Like, I use my phone for work. Like, I take, like, sometimes in taking pictures, I'm recording videos and surgery. Like, my phone. Like, I use my phone a lot at work. Like, we're allowed to have our phones on our person at work because we all use our phones so much. Well, yeah. [00:29:01] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. No, like, I. I do need my phone, you know, but over in Chicago, they're, like, trying to, you know, be upset, saying that ICE was there and that was actually the Secret Service. [00:29:21] Speaker B: What is the difference? [00:29:23] Speaker A: One is secret, one is less secret. [00:29:27] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:29:28] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:29:34] Speaker A: But, like, I. I love the fact that it's, you know, cps. So I'm like, oh, Child Protective Services? Nope. Chicago Public Schools. [00:29:43] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:29:44] Speaker A: And apparently Secret Service was out there, you know, looking for something, and they're like, this is ice and they're. They're coming out here to take people. And they are. They. They always have been. That's not nothing new. You know, if you're overstaying your visas here, guess what? ICE is gonna come. But if Secret Service is after you, you're, like, doing counterfeit money or something. Like, I don't know if they do anything other than protect the president and look for counterfeit money. [00:30:19] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, I forgot they did that. [00:30:21] Speaker A: Yeah, they. They. I. I guess they get bored of protecting white people that no one's going to take a shot at. You know, Secret Service has been busy with Trump. They're like, dude, everyone wants you dead. And it's like, yeah, you know, I have the biggest head. I have the best head. You know, I. I'm the best at all the things, and people just shoot him because he's a cocky, and I love it. So, yeah, if ICE is coming for you, you know, let all your Mexican friends know. I do have, you know, friends I'm sure that would get deported. So hopefully that doesn't happen. You know, we'll. We'll protect them. Let's get on to the next story, which is, like, the worst story I've seen in quite some goddamn time. Like, I. I saw a story about a dude falling out of a helicopter, which Turned out to be fake. And I hope this one's fake. [00:31:28] Speaker B: That's not a good way to introduce something. [00:31:31] Speaker A: Yeah, it's. It's awful. Funeral set for baby flush down a Whataburger toilet in San Antonio. A funeral debt has been set for a baby flushed down a toilet at a Whataburger toilet in December. The funeral will be held on Friday, January 24th at the Faith Outreach International by the nonprofit Eagles flight advocacy at 1pm A burial will follow the funeral. [00:32:00] Speaker B: See, like how, how does, how is that physically possible? [00:32:05] Speaker A: The baby died after a shocking discovery at the Whataburger location near Wallacem Road on FM 78. Mallory Straight 33 has been charged with the abuse of a corpse. According to an arrest warrant affidavit. Straight entered the restaurant's bathroom around 2am and remained there for several hours. The Whataburger manager continually checked on Straight due to her making noise inside the stall. The manager eventually gave straight water before telling her she needed to leave, then called 911 out of concern for straits welfare. When the manager noticed a portion of the baby's body in the bathroom stall. A member of the Converse fire department had to remove the baby from the toilet, cut the child child from the amniotic sac and begin life saving measures. So like she gave birth like in the toilet. [00:33:03] Speaker C: Wow. [00:33:04] Speaker A: Emergency crews took the baby to the hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival. The baby was around 28 to 30 weeks. Straight will appear in court on February 20th. Yeah, I mean, yeah, like, like that. That's awful. [00:33:24] Speaker B: I don't understand why the mothers are always arrested in this kind of situation. The thing's dead. It's fine. I mean like strangers are caring about this more than anybody else. [00:33:36] Speaker A: Yeah. Like she just flushed a fetus. I, I mean, you know, to, to give birth in a Whataburger, you know, bathroom in just a couple hours, you know. Good on you, lady. [00:33:56] Speaker C: Oh my God. [00:33:58] Speaker A: But to try and flush it, you know. Ah, you should have like wrapped it in toilet paper and thrown it in the garbage. You know, make it like a prom night dumpster baby. [00:34:09] Speaker C: Oh my gosh. [00:34:10] Speaker A: Yeah. Like chop up the baby or do something with it. [00:34:14] Speaker B: There's a Whataburger. There's no real knives. There's just a plastic ones. [00:34:18] Speaker A: I mean, we have a Whataburger here. We do, yeah. [00:34:21] Speaker B: Is it even any good? [00:34:23] Speaker A: It's like fucking the only thing Texans like to talk about. It's like we got football, prison and what burger and we got some pretty good barbecue. [00:34:33] Speaker C: I mean it's like California has in and out. [00:34:35] Speaker A: Yeah, we have in n out too. [00:34:37] Speaker C: Yes, now you do. It's not that good as it used to be. [00:34:43] Speaker B: I'm eating nostalgia, not actual taste. [00:34:46] Speaker A: So see, I'm eating the suffering of teenagers. Like I get to like look at them, you know, chopping the potato for my french fries and just having to work in like a bullshit, you know, job wearing like a bullshit outfit, you know, having a bullshit hat on, you know, doing a bullshit job for bullshit money. And you know, I get to see them just like, fuck yeah, I have to do this otherwise you know, I'm gonna lose everything. And not tip them because they don't do tips. And it's like, ah, your suffering has been transferred into my sandwich grate. I love it like any place where like they suffer to make my food, I'm like, that, that's the place I want to eat. Like, I want like a place where like they deep fry stuff. And like, you know, like the dude like deep frying my shit, like got some of the oil on his arm. He's like, I burnt the shit out of my arm. You know, making your deep fried Oreos. I hope you enjoy them. I'm like, I will. More now. Like I, I, I love it. But you know, on this, on the series of bad news, bad stories, A Mississippi bill would pay bounty hunters to catch undocumented immigrants. And I guarantee you there is some fucking boys in Mississippi that are dancing around the moonshine playing their banjo bag. We're gonna make it rich. We're gonna be able to buy so many scratch off lottery tickets. Oh, come on over here, Jethro. Billy Bob, let's go catch us some illegals. And no illegals live in Mississippi because Mississippi sucks. But a Mississippi district attorney proposed new legislation Wednesday to pay bounty hunters a reward for helping them deport immigrants into the country illegally. So yeah, they'd be offering a thousand dollar reward to reg to registered bounty hunters for each successful deportation they help facilitate. [00:37:21] Speaker B: So bounty hunters are still a thing? [00:37:24] Speaker A: Oh yeah. [00:37:27] Speaker B: Do they make a lot of money? [00:37:29] Speaker A: It depends. They make a portion of the bail. So when you pay bail, like when you go to like a bail agency, like they put forth the full amount of the money and you pay, you know, 10% when you jump bail. When you're like, I'm not gonna go to court, fuck all that shit, they put a warrant out for your arrest. And if the police get you, like these bail guys don't get their money back. But if the, you know, bail bondsman, bounty Hunters get you. They get their money back, so. [00:38:08] Speaker C: Oh, wow. [00:38:09] Speaker B: Do the police get the bounty money if they catch the person? [00:38:12] Speaker A: Nope. [00:38:12] Speaker B: Okay. [00:38:13] Speaker C: No. [00:38:14] Speaker A: But it's just their job. [00:38:18] Speaker C: Yeah. I actually. I used to read a stupid one about bounty hunting. [00:38:23] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, Dog the Bounty Hunter. [00:38:26] Speaker C: Yeah, no, it was. I think it's that one for the Money is what it's called. Yeah. [00:38:37] Speaker A: Like, there's a chick. There's this hilarious YouTube channel that's all fake. It's like, Patty Mayo. And he just goes through and does, like, acting things. And I'm sure you've seen, like, he has, like, one famous one where he's, like, in a parking lot and, like, there's, like, this, like, fast kid. He's like, oh, don't touch me. Booty hole, man. And just, like, going through. He's like, sir, that is change. He, like, takes all his change and throws it on the ground. He's like, you know, takes, like, a USB stick, throws it on the ground. He's like, no, don't look at that unless you want to see pictures. Big dick. Let me see if I can find it. It's a great one. [00:39:28] Speaker C: Oh, it's freaking cold. I need something in the honor fridge. Whipped cream, guys. [00:39:40] Speaker A: Yeah, here. Here it is. Because I'm awesome. And finding. [00:39:52] Speaker D: Get on the ground. [00:39:54] Speaker E: I can't even see. That's. [00:39:55] Speaker D: Get on the ground. Get on the ground. [00:39:57] Speaker E: It's hot out here. [00:39:58] Speaker D: Get on the ground. Get on the ground. Get on the ground. Get on the ground. [00:40:07] Speaker E: This was a problem. [00:40:08] Speaker D: I get a warrant for your arrest with the bail bonds company. Get on the ground. [00:40:11] Speaker E: Bail bonds. Bro, you out here? Tactical duck. Looking like you. [00:40:15] Speaker D: Oh, bro, you looking like you about to get tased, I'll tell you that. [00:40:22] Speaker E: Tell me. Out here running. It's hot, humid. [00:40:26] Speaker D: I got all day, bro. [00:40:28] Speaker E: It's not. [00:40:29] Speaker D: Get on the ground. [00:40:30] Speaker E: Let me whisper something you don't hear. [00:40:31] Speaker D: Get on the ground. [00:40:32] Speaker E: It's really, really. You fast, rebel. You ain't fast. My breath needs a bronco. My mama. I'm a feminist. [00:40:47] Speaker D: Back up. [00:40:49] Speaker A: I'm a feminist. [00:40:54] Speaker D: Was your ankles. [00:40:55] Speaker E: Oh, pineapple juice. We're. Oh, I was tired. I'm hot. Don't tase me. That stings. My safe word is pineapple juice. [00:41:11] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:41:11] Speaker D: Put your hands behind your back. [00:41:13] Speaker C: That's so funny. [00:41:13] Speaker D: Put your hands behind your back. Both hands. [00:41:15] Speaker E: It's warm. [00:41:16] Speaker D: Stay just like that. Cross your ankles. [00:41:19] Speaker C: Oh, Cross your ankles. [00:41:20] Speaker E: You gonna take pictures? [00:41:21] Speaker D: Stay just like that. You understand me? Bring your ankles up to your butt. [00:41:25] Speaker E: SWAT man. What's my safe word? [00:41:27] Speaker D: Bring your ankles up to your butt. [00:41:29] Speaker E: That's how far I go. You think I'm in Pilates? [00:41:31] Speaker D: Stay just like that. [00:41:34] Speaker E: I think I'm have a heart attack. I'm out of breathe. [00:41:46] Speaker D: Stay just like that. Stick this hand up just like that. Don't move it. [00:41:54] Speaker E: It don't work. Don't do drugs, kids. Those are my quarters. You want to put those in your pocket? That has changed. You know how long it took me to acquire those? Some of those are limited edition. Well, that's my flash drive. Don't look at it unless you want to see big D. That's my wallet. [00:42:10] Speaker A: You have no. [00:42:11] Speaker E: Ooh, and watch your fingers. Booty ho. Man, he's strong. Don't go under. Y'all together. Hey, real talk, though. Every. Every strong man got a sensitive side. Like, doing the weird. What's your safe word? [00:42:32] Speaker B: But, yeah, I mean, you've seen the video where the cops, like, putting the dude into the car. And the dude's like, I want my phone call. And the cops, like, who are you gonna call? And the dude's like, your mama. [00:42:47] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:42:49] Speaker A: But, yeah, like. Like, it's probably pretty close to that. Except Patty Mayo is, like, an actor. Yeah, go ahead and go pee. [00:42:58] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:43:03] Speaker A: And it's great. Yeah, like, he's. He's a pretty good actor, I'd have to say. Yeah. Like, for the first, like, you know, few videos, I'm like, oh, damn. Like, you know, it's pretty good. And then I'm like, wait a minute. This is probably all so. But on to some good news if you want some diamonds. Diamond prices are coming down. Lab grown rocks and fewer weddings have put a huge dampener on the market. On the bright side, a big dazzler is now affordable for many. So, you know, if you like, like, honestly, I should just go see how much, like, a diamond ring is. [00:44:01] Speaker C: Self funny. [00:44:02] Speaker A: Diamond ring like zirconia? No, real diamonds. Like lab grunt. Lab grown diamonds. [00:44:10] Speaker B: That's what zirconia is. [00:44:12] Speaker A: No, CZs are not lab grown diamonds. [00:44:17] Speaker C: Yeah, cubic zirconia is different. [00:44:20] Speaker B: It is. [00:44:20] Speaker A: It's like plastic. [00:44:22] Speaker B: Oh, well, I stand. Hey, I don't know what. I don't care. Why it's a difference. They're just pretty judges is pretty. And B, I stand corrected. [00:44:32] Speaker A: Natural diamonds cost 2026 less in shops than two years ago. They dropped during a time of high inflation. That would be extraordinary if it weren't dwarfed by the poor fortune of its identical twins. Lab Grown diamonds which are now 74% cheaper than 2020. [00:44:53] Speaker B: Yeah. Lab grown. I like those. You can get them whatever color you want. [00:44:57] Speaker A: So. Yeah, I'm just like watching, you know, like, cool, you know, now it's like affordable to like, you know, get married, you know, still, they're expensive. Like, like, don't get me wrong, I'm over here looking at Shane company. All that lab grown diamonds are under a thousand dollars. Please. You know. Yeah, these. Yeah, that's actually not too bad. $220 for a 4 or for a 0.46 carat VS1? [00:45:29] Speaker B: Yeah, they're fine. [00:45:32] Speaker A: I mean, I don't know what any of these words mean. [00:45:35] Speaker B: I don't either. [00:45:36] Speaker A: You know a 0.84 carat VVS2 for $471. Yeah. Let's see like what the most expensive diamond is. Shop, you know, Lab created. Okay. Oh, I can even choose like my cut. Like what it looks, you know, So I. I don't know what these colors mean. Let's go just with the top of everything. [00:46:04] Speaker B: Okay, so choose the square cut. [00:46:06] Speaker A: You want square cut? Okay. [00:46:07] Speaker B: Yeah, that's my type. [00:46:09] Speaker A: It says princess. I'm gonna go straight to the top. Oh, no, not four. [00:46:15] Speaker B: No, no, no, no, no, no. [00:46:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:46:20] Speaker C: Oh my God, you guys are so funny. [00:46:22] Speaker A: No exact matches. All right. Go fuck yourself. Jesus Christ. Like, okay. Oh, there's just nothing in that. Okay. Yeah, so yeah, you can get like a 1 carat, a 2.3 karat diamond. $8,000. Not bad. How big are these diamonds? Like, is this like life sized? [00:46:50] Speaker B: No, they're. Those are like small, I think. [00:46:54] Speaker A: Like, how big is like a 8 carat diamond? [00:46:56] Speaker B: I have no idea. [00:46:58] Speaker A: Not. See, I. I do these little things. I do these little rants and then I have to learn something. How big is an 8 carat diamond? 13 to 14 millimeters in diameter. Okay, so 1.2.1 carrot equals 100 points. Okay, so 1 carat diamond would be there and an 8 carat would be huge. [00:47:36] Speaker B: Yeah. That's ginormous. [00:47:38] Speaker A: God. [00:47:39] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:47:39] Speaker A: Damn. [00:47:40] Speaker B: Yeah, it's too. This might sound weird coming from a woman, but that's too big. I like my gemstones small. [00:47:46] Speaker A: Yeah. Like a. [00:47:46] Speaker B: That way you can have multiple gemstones. Like, I'm sacrificing size for quantity. [00:47:53] Speaker C: Oh my. [00:47:54] Speaker B: I have no shame in admitting that. [00:47:57] Speaker A: Yeah. Like brilliant earth shop lab diamonds. Because, like, I know this. Yeah. 1.21. Oh. And I can even, like, look all the way around it. That's pretty cool. And then like, if I ever Want to, like, get into, like, jewelry making? I can, you know, go buy diamonds from these guys and, you know, make rings. Like, I can make, like, real rings and just be like, you know, get. Get another lunatic hobby that I, you know, have for like, six months and then never do anything with. [00:48:38] Speaker B: You're allowed to have your side quests. [00:48:41] Speaker A: I mean, I have too many of these. Like, I have a problem where, you know, I have to, you know, go out, learn something new, and then do nothing with it. [00:48:55] Speaker B: It's not your fault when you learn something new and then it runs out of dopamine. That's fine. You. You got the dope, you got the dopamine while it was there, and that's all that matters. [00:49:06] Speaker A: It's expensive. Like, it's cheaper to buy drugs than it is to, you know, pay for dumb things. But yeah, maybe for like our 20 year anniversary, I, like, I'll learn how to, you know, make a diamond and, like, make like, your ultimate ring. [00:49:31] Speaker C: It is so funny because my sister was actually doing, like, jewelry making and she was doing, like, cutting the diamond. Like, she would be shaping it and stuff. [00:49:46] Speaker B: That's so cool. [00:49:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:49:50] Speaker A: Yeah. 56 karat diamond. [00:49:53] Speaker B: Good God. [00:49:55] Speaker A: Jesus Christ. $163,000. Not getting you something that big. [00:50:00] Speaker B: Do not get me something that big. [00:50:02] Speaker A: It would get like a four karat diamond, maybe. [00:50:05] Speaker C: Yep. [00:50:15] Speaker A: And apparently Adele, the singer, huh, Ruin the sale of somebody's house by saying it was haunted. In Southern England, Adele had like a six month lease on a building and she's like, you know, hey, it's scary. And they like, the owner of the building tried to sell it and like, ah, Adele says it's haunted. I don't want it now. Which is crazy because there's no such thing as ghosts. [00:50:58] Speaker B: And that's not her fault. [00:51:00] Speaker A: It's kind of her fault. I mean, you go on tv, you better, like, be careful of what you say. But I guarantee you this guy is trying to get something out of Adele. Like, trying to, like, get Adele to, like, just buy the fucking house. She has the money. [00:51:19] Speaker C: Wow. [00:51:20] Speaker A: I. I think it's like, only like, yeah. Asking price of 5.75 million pounds. So like, probably like six and a half, you know. Let's see. $7.18 million USD. Not bad. [00:51:40] Speaker C: Wow. [00:51:41] Speaker A: Adele has that. That's chump change to her. And I guarantee you this guy is like, just like making a story out of it, you know, that way it's like, hey, Adele, pay me like $10 million and you get my house, my haunted house. Yeah. Unfortunately. During an interview on cbs, Adele remarked that she believed the house was haunted. This comment negatively impacted future marketing efforts and continue to affect the property's reputation to this day. [00:52:23] Speaker C: Wow. [00:52:24] Speaker B: How'd that even come up in conversation? [00:52:28] Speaker A: Like, since she's famous, Anderson Cooper was out there and did like an interview and she's like, ah, the house is spooky. [00:52:41] Speaker B: And like, was she just doing banter or. [00:52:44] Speaker A: Yeah. And. Well, I. I don't know why you need a house that big, but, you know, just. Just sell it. Know for. Sell it to me. I'll buy it for $20 right now. Let. Let's get into Am I the all that Am I the by temporary truth 1969am I the for telling my mom she can't share a room or bed with her boyfriend in my home? When I, female 27, was in college, I met my boyfriend and we moved in together, sharing a place with some friends. After dating for a year, I was 19 when we met and 20 when we moved in together. We decided from that point on forward to take turns spending Christmases with our families. But the first year we were together to see mine, my mom made it clear to my boyfriend, made it clear my boyfriend could not stay and we weren't sharing a room or a bed in her house. My dad argued in favor of letting it happen since I was an adult and living with him already, but mom said no. She hated that I wouldn't stay at her at their house and instead booked an Airbnb. She said I should respect the rules of her house and told her I was. And I didn't want to tell my boyfriend to be alone on the holidays, especially when his family had welcomed us together happily. After that, it made it clear that there'd be no coming over to visit. Like, if I couldn't sleep with my boyfriend. My mom said it wasn't like we were married, so she had every right to that rule. Two years ago, my dad died and for 11 months, my mom has been in a relationship with her boyfriend. They don't live together exactly, but according to my brother, he was there most nights while he was there. My mom and brother aren't really talking right now. My brother can hear mom and her boyfriend in bed and he hated it so much he moved out. He's also 22. He had wanted to and he had wanted to, but gave him the push to move. My mom was furious and demanded to know why he was leaving. Out of nowhere. She freaked out when my brother told him he was tired of hearing them it started mom off on him not being happy that he found someone again after dad died. Mom seems to be missing my brother and being around. And she told me that she misses having her kids around. So she wanted to visit for a week or two. Soon she wanted to bring her boyfriend along and I told her she can't share a room or a bed with him in my home. I told him. I told her I did not want to hear that. She got mad at me and said she's a grown woman and she'd be allowed to have her freedom. I told her she was alright denying it to me when I wasn't even planning to have sex in her house. But it sounded like she didn't care if we hear it or not, so I'm not dealing with it. I also told her I wasn't going to reward her for showing her boyfriend when she was so strict with me about it. My mom accused me of acting like a petty child. Am I an asshole? No. You're a petty child though. It's hilarious. Yeah, I. I love it. [00:56:37] Speaker B: Turnabouts fa. Fair play. [00:56:40] Speaker C: That is so funny. [00:56:43] Speaker A: So, you know, so funny. Parents, like, just, just like, you know, remember, you know, how you treat your kids because they remember how you treated them now. Like growing up, I didn't really have, you know, girlfriends. So, like, this, you know, was never a problem. [00:57:03] Speaker B: Damn straight. [00:57:09] Speaker A: And you know, my parents are married. Well, married to different people. Like they're divorced, but like, my mom is getting married to a nice guy and like, I want to, like, I want to learn how to play D and D just like, so we can hang out and like play D and D together or something or whatever he's into. Like, I. I feel like my mom like goes after like professional men now and I'm like, oh, mom, you grew up. I'm so proud of you. [00:57:44] Speaker C: Wow. She's not a lesbian anymore. [00:57:47] Speaker A: She was. [00:57:49] Speaker C: And, well, she's just bisexual. [00:57:53] Speaker A: No, she, like when, when she was a lesbian, she was a full blown lesbian and I loved it. And now she's, you know, being domesticated. I don't know. You know, let her live her life. I don't care. Enjoy. Oh, my world's about to end anyway. Who cares? Let's see what other people say. Your house, your rules. If she doesn't like it, she can rent an Airbnb. Not the what comes around goes around your mom. One rule for thee and another for me. Yeah, how the turntables turn. [00:58:51] Speaker B: Wait, what? [00:58:53] Speaker A: Nothing. Yeah, you're. Oh, it's on Courtney's and I'm like what the is that sound? So yeah. [00:59:04] Speaker C: Oh really? What was the sound? The cat meowing? [00:59:08] Speaker A: I don't know. I like I heard like garbled like news. Now for relationship advice by throwaway how do I 20 male tell my partner 20 female partner that her brain rot is making her less attractive? I think this type of humor can be funny once in a while. I understand that it's part of a culture of our people our age. However, her vocabulary is full of just straight up brain rot to the point I don't feel like it's just a joke anymore. Everything is endearing during the honeymoon phase, so I used to frequently joke back at her, but now it's hard to find Sigma or Hawktua attractive. You know, it's gotten to the point where I cannot have a single conversation with her in person over text where this type of language is not involved. I know it sounds so idiotic, but it generally turns me off when I'm trying to have a normal, mature conversation and that she responds with just brain rot. The thing is, she can be serious when needed and occasionally we can have a good conversation. There are moments I look forward to where I don't feel like I'm talking to an immature high school boy stuck in the body of an attractive woman. It's beginning to affect her sex life as I'm finding it hard to get turned on by her. She's beginning to notice my lack of enthusiasm and feels insecure about it. I feel guilty for feeling this way and she shows me nothing but love and support. I love her so much but this is one thing I cannot get over. I just do not know how to approach this subject because I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her feel self conscious around me. I always try and reassure her when she's feeling insecure, so I feel terrible bringing this up to her for fear of making her feel more insecure. She's genuinely sweet funny person, but the brain want has just gotten too much for an adult edit. Sorry for my overuse of your brain rot. Make that nine times. I am referring to common terms frequently on TikTok or other social media platforms. Example me XYZ happened her you've got to be risen. Me. I understand the humor from time to time and it's not hard to get rid of something after excessive usage. I'll have a conversation about her with it about her soon. I realize it's my fault for not communicating clearly to her, but I was just concerned about her making her feel Less than and damaging to her self esteem. Thank you all for the advice. I will do better. So brain rot is like all the like skibidi toilet dumbass that these kids are into? I have no idea. And it makes me upset every time I hear it. Like when you have to like riz up a chick. [01:02:14] Speaker B: This is how like old people felt about jazz. [01:02:19] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, like every generation has their, our own, like, lexicon, our own. [01:02:25] Speaker B: Dialect, you know, op's partner is just a stick in the mud. [01:02:30] Speaker A: No, like when you take it too far, you know, it's like, okay, knock it off, you're done. [01:02:41] Speaker B: Stick in the mud. [01:02:48] Speaker A: For anyone that doesn't who doesn't know the term brain rot after reading it nearly a dozen times. It's like waking up walking around all day in the 90s saying, what's up babui schwing. Yeah. Oh my God, yeah. Us 90s kids said what's up? All the time on the phone. Like you'd pick up the phone, what's up? What's up? You know, off of like a commercial. God damn. Yeah, you grow out of it. She'll grow out of it. Talk to her. We're constantly saying yolo and slay. God damn. I. I love these people coming in with examples and making me hate very much. A cautionary tale about using things ironically too. Almost 20 years ago, lonely island did their I'm on a boat song. My friend group and I thought it was the funniest thing ever, so quotes from the song made it into heavier rotation. There's a line in the song about flip flops, but they call them flippy floppies, which devolved into flippies over time for us. Well, that shit stuck. And now guess What? I'm a 40 year old dude who unironically asks his wife on occasion if he's seen his flippies. [01:04:19] Speaker B: Okay. I always called them my flops. [01:04:23] Speaker A: I'll never call them my flippies. Jesus Christ. Instead of a square jar, make it a skibidi jar. Tell her brain rot makes you cringe. Be words. Be clear with the words themselves. Not her. I know a girl who has a skibidi jar. It's one of my sixth grade students. I don't know what. Like, I. I've asked, you know, people that know what skibidi is and they're like, it's skibidi toilet. I'm like, I don't know what that is. Like, it's YouTube videos. I'm like, I'm not, I'm. I refuse to, like go on YouTube and look for Skibidi toilet. It upsets me. Oh, my therapist shared a really helpful idea. Once you start feeling contempt for your partner, the relationship is in serious trouble. It isn't an emotion you can feel for someone you love and keep your healthy relationship. Because if you just say, you know, that she, if you just say stuff sucks or because it's not that she, that she says stuff you don't think is funny, sometimes you think it's brain rot. You think it's an immature boy stuck in a body of an attractive woman. You think it's too much for an adult. If this relationship is going to last, there's a few things that are going to happen. For one, you got to gently let her know that you don't like the humor in a way that doesn't hurt her feelings and that she can pick up what you're putting down. Most importantly, you got to recontextualize what you're feeling about quality. She's not a child. She is not an immature high school boy. She, she's goofing around with words that she finds funny. You don't find it attractive or funny. And there's other people who might. She's not a stupid or worse person because she thinks this stuff is funny. She just, you know, has a sense of humor, A different sense of humor than you. So sometimes you might make, she might make a joke that you don't think is funny. That's just a difference in opinion, like disliking grapes or wanting to wear red. I don't say that because I think you're a shitty person for being turned off by this. I say this because no loving relationship can survive the words a person says to make her stupid and infantile. Even if she stops saying the words, you're not coming back from that. So think long and hard if this is a thing you can get over. Because I think you can use words less often and not around intimate times. But the biggest part is you gotta stop thinking less of her for saying them. Get past it or leave real. [01:07:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:07:28] Speaker A: Yeah, yes. And like the ages here, you know, I, I, I see 20 years old and 20 years old, you know? Know. Yeah, you're in that age group. Sorry, bud. I'm 33, you know, I'm 13 years older than you. [01:07:46] Speaker C: Yeah, we were very not compatible. He stop wasting his time. [01:07:53] Speaker A: Or, you know, like maybe you can just back. Okay. Yeah, you know, time to grow up. You know, there's, there's just a day where you just like, okay, I'm going to grow up. So there's a day where I stop saying what's up on the phone. You know, maybe every once in a while, but yeah, whatever. But that's it for this week. That's it for this episode. We will be back next week with some more of this, you know, nonsense. If you're listening, cool. If you're not. You know, even better if a crazy lady told you to come listen to this podcast, you know, gift her like a small dildo for Christmas. Like nothing good. Like, like, like the, you know, like a bullet. Like that takes like a AAA battery. Not rechargeable. Like you have to like unscrew it and like, like there you go. That's all you get. Like the least effective dildo ever. But that's it. We'll see you all later. I'm gonna go eat some steel. Bye.

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